Re: As one year approaches…

By their words thy shall know them… “I have to start with the above phrase because of the blatant lies that are contained in the opinion of Dr. Eugene Enahoro in the Daily Trust Newspaper of Tuesday the 12th of April 2016 . In this opinion, Dr. Enahoro completely wrote off President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration […]

Re: As one year approaches…

By their words thy shall know them… “I have to start with the above phrase because of the blatant lies that are contained in the opinion of Dr. Eugene Enahoro in the Daily Trust Newspaper of Tuesday the 12th of April 2016 .
In this opinion, Dr. Enahoro completely wrote off President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration as total failure that has nothing to celebrate after one year in office. Enahoro went further to lament as to why electorates voted Jonathan out of office in 2015. I wish to say that for any journalist or anybody to say that this present government has nothing to celebrate after one year in office is the highest point of un-patriotism and a gross act of irresponsibility as a citizen of this great Nation.
Yes, our priorities differ in accordance with our geographical spread, ethnic and of course religion affiliations, one thing remain common to all THE NATIONAL INTEREST. Unless Dr. Enahoro is writing from a point of view of a citizen of a different country other than Nigeria, his opinion of today can simply be described as wicked and selfish.
May be Enahoro would have be happy if on assumption of office president Muhammadu Buhari had toe the footprint of former president Goodluck Jonathan by allowing the Boko Haram insurgents to overwhelm the country, continue with the posture of diminishing the image of Nigeria abroad, maintain the sponsorship of ethnic militias across the country and above all allow the Biafra agitators have their way. It’s no longer news that the masses of this country are experiencing a serious hardship occasioned by economic downturn.
However this situation is not restricted to Nigeria alone. It’s a global phenomenon especially in those countries that have petroleum as their main source of income. Nigeria situation is worse become oil has been the only source of our income. It’s therefore an act of mischief to put the blame of our present hardship on the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari when the price of crude oil is below 28 dollars per barrel in the international market. Former president Jonathan sold crude oil for 105 dollars per barrel and he ended looting the whole money to the detriment of the common masses. The consequence of which Dr. Enahoro is mischievously shifting blames today.
I make bold to say that in spite of the economic challenges being experienced in Nigeria today, the present government has everything to celebrate in terms of combating insurgents, fighting corruption and the concerted efforts made so far to redeem our image on the international arena.

Ahmad S. Eshi, Lafia, Nasarawa State.