Re: ASUU at it again

We should indeed get serious not only to save our youths but also to save their parents. ASUU is in love with strikes because many of their top guns have…

Re: ASUU at it again
Re: ASUU at it again

Your column of  Wednesday on the above subject refers.

We should indeed get serious not only to save our youths but also to save their parents. ASUU is in love with strikes because many of their top guns have other engagements and/or their children are attending private universities.

What is more, on the government side none of the top officials have children attending public universities. So in this quagmire, there are really no stakeholders and that explains why strikes have become a recurring decimal in the school calendar.

It also explains why even when there are negotiations between ASUU and the authorities, the result is often a deadlock. The solution is simple. Henceforth none should be a major player in the educational institution unless all their children are in public universities.

It is so insulting to see the Minister of Education or the vice-chancellor of a Nigerian university attending the graduation ceremony of his son or daughter at a foreign university or private local university. What they forget is that at their level, they don’t need to give their children a foreign degree for them to prosper in this country. It is far more important for them to display some tokenism like their children attending Nigerian universities by way of leadership by example.

Sabo Sodangi can be reached through [email protected]
