A gain, we intone “Inna lilLahi wa inna ilaiHi raji’un! (We are from Allah, and to Him shall we return) for late retired Major General Alkali and all those who have been murdered over the years for no crime but just because they happen to be Hausa-speaking Muslims passing by Berom land in Plateau State […]


gain, we intone “Inna lilLahi wa inna ilaiHi raji’un! (We are from Allah, and to Him shall we return) for late retired Major General Alkali and all those who have been murdered over the years for no crime but just because they happen to be Hausa-speaking Muslims passing by Berom land in Plateau State and Gonin Gora in Kaduna State, among other places. Allah Ya jikanmu for, if nothing is done now, they WILL continue!

ALHAJI LAWAL IDRIS ([email protected]): Allah Ya biya. Perfectly APT. For Allah’s sakes keep it UP! Fear not for yours; when it comes, Allah knows the very best of here and hereafter. May we be among His chosen servants, Amin. Shi kuma Gen. Alkali Allah Ya jikansa. Good am M Bala, and my very best regards to you and all yours.

YUSUF MUHAMMAD ANAS ([email protected]): These Berom Christian anarchistic youth apparently find their high in the flesh and blood of innocent Hausa Muslims who accidentally pass through Jos South Local Government. These murderous mobs of killers have always been killing innocent commuters with total support from their mothers who wear black to complement their evil black hearts and minds; they also have the support of their traditional rulers and their political leaders who have totally polluted the mind of a whole society of evil people. They are inhuman! Which law on earth can allow these animals to go scot free? I suggest Dura-Du be levelled and razed to nothingness and all the people relocated, as should be done for Gonin Gora and such other evil places. Wallahi I feel irritated by the manner which the military was conducting their exercise around that axis as if they were dealing with human beings! These are no human beings! Haba! Let the military follow their rules of engagement in dealing with these evil people so that the soul of General Alkali will rest in peace. May the gentle soul of General Alkali rest in perfect peace, Ameen, and may the 1000 Days of communities like Duru-Du be complete.

MUHAMMAD SANI ([email protected]): May Allah bless you and strengthen you in Iman and steadfastness. You said it all, and whoever feels that what you have written is hate then that person must be as guilty as the Berom, and is an enemy of truth. What is baffling me is the way some of our columnists kept mute about this very important life-and-death issue. They did not even bother to write about this dastardly act. Had it been it was we Muslims who committed this atrocity against a Christian General, wallahi by now the whole media all over the world will be busy castigating us and preaching hate speech towards us Northern Muslims; and the matter will be sustained as a front-burner topic up to the end of Buhari’s Administration. Nevertheless, some of the perpetrators have been arrested. I am calling the attention of the Nigerian Army and the Nigerian Police to arrest all the teachers of religion of that community because this evil could not have occurred if their clergy were teaching the people what is in their scripture righteously. It seems the teachers of religion are just teaching nothing but hate. They are only selling the scripture for a little amount of money.

Bi ayyi zambin qutila? What crime did General Alkali do to deserve this dastardly murder?

ISHAQ ALHASSAN ([email protected]): It is rather unfortunate that some “humans” have descended below the level of wild beasts. But it is more unfortunate that government, for whatever reason, will allow this madness to reoccur unchecked. If the mayhem in Taraba, where over a thousand humans were reportedly massacred had been decisively dealt with, Nigerians would have been spared a lot of bloodshed! May Allah grant General Alkali Jannatul Firdaus.

ABBATI DANKANTI GUMEL ([email protected]): May Allah forgive General Alkali and grant him Jannatul Firdaus. May Allah grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss of their loved one! May Allah bless the country to have more General Alkalis in and around every corner of the country with a view to remembering him! Amin. Those who did the act simply because of his Hausa-Muslim credentials, I have this to say to them: they should not expect to meet their targets in life. Their death would be in the 10th fold of what General Alkali went through since they have chosen to end the lives of many innocent souls in this cruel and barbaric way. Victims who did no wrong to them, the killers! The Berom Christian Community have been in this dirty job for a number of years, murdering people and dumping their vehicles in their Ponds of Death. Yet there is nothing we hear from the security intelligence nor the Plateau State Government towards this ugly situation that has been going on in many parts of the state. The previous administrations in that state did nothing to arrest the situation. We all recall the thousands of other Hausa-speaking Muslim victims in Zangon Kataf, Kafanchan, Zonkwa, Kasuwar Magani, Gonin Gora, Tafawa Balewa, Tinno-Wadugu, Numan, Mambilla etc. Some of these killers of our people were even pardoned by heartless military leaders after these murderers were convicted of genocide by courts of competent jurisdiction! Since that pardon, Nigeria has not seen the peace and unity it deserves. Kaduna and Plateau States have taken the lead to spearhead hate crime and genocide via all kinds of religious atrocities. We hope that this Buhari Administration will not allow this matter to be swept under the carpet and die a natural death. If it allows that, I will have say sorry for more of our people who will definitely be killed in the future. Kai! Allah Ya isa wallahi! Period!

Bi ayyi zambin qutila? What crime did General Alkali do to deserve this dastardly murder?

MUSTAPHA ABBAS ([email protected]): Your piece on General Alkali is the revelation of truth that most of us have been shying away from for no reason. Hausa-Fulani and indeed Muslims have become an endangered species in this our own country. Nobody protects us. Nobody speaks for us. No Governor of Hausa-Fulani-Kanuri Muslim States has said or done anything on this matter. No Muslim Traditional Ruler has said anything. No Muslim Senator has said anything. No Muslim House of Representative Member has said anything. Yet they claim to be our leaders spiritual and temporal. But the political branch actors are now busy canvassing for our vote while we are being killed left right and Dure-Du! This murder should be a wake-up call for all Muslims. We should NEVER continue to watch terrorists maim and kill us like fowls. I wonder with all these confessions of the killers what the government is waiting for to prosecute these drunkard agents of death. May Allah forgive General Alkali and bless him with Jannatul Firdaus, Amin.

MAI MOUSTAPHA MUHAMMAD ([email protected]): Jazakallahu khairan for your write up on the subject of General Alkali. May his killing be the last in this historical series of murders perpetrated against innocent people.

IBRAHIM LIMAN POTISKUM ([email protected]): Thank you very much for this beautiful writeup on General Alkali. You captured my mind’s exact opinion on the second to the last paragraph, where you said “Whoever comes out to defend these criminal murderers are also our declared enemies. Whether it is in court or in cyber space; whether on newspaper pages on on radio and television airwaves. They are also indicted.” We wait and see our enemies!

Bi ayyi zambin qutila? What crime did General Alkali do to deserve this dastardly murder?
