Re: FG invites UN over North East insurgency

It is very libellous and dishonest to attribute to me any matter dealing with Boko Haram which neither has any direct bearing on the visit of the UN Human Rights High Commissioner nor was mentioned in the text below which was signed and given to the correspondent by me:“The United Nations High Commis-sioner for Human […]

Re: FG invites UN over North East insurgency
Re: FG invites UN over North East insurgency

It is very libellous and dishonest to attribute to me any matter dealing with Boko Haram which neither has any direct bearing on the visit of the UN Human Rights High Commissioner nor was mentioned in the text below which was signed and given to the correspondent by me:
“The United Nations High Commis-sioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, will commence a visit to Nigeria on Tuesday, March 11 2014. (Navi Pillay) She will be in Nigeria at the invitation of the government and will consult with government officials, members of the civil society and opinion leaders on the human rights situation in Nigeria, particularly Nigeria’s relations with the United Nations human rights mechanisms and ways of strengthening cooperation between her office and Nigeria. The High Commissioner will round up her itinerary with a press conference on Friday in Abuja before her departure.”
The mutual relations that the media and the ministry should enjoy dictate that a retraction be carried out at the earliest possible time to correct the falsehood that has been fed to the public.
Ambrose Momoh, Chief Press Secre-tary to the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice