JACOB KWAGA : This is a very hilarious and refreshing piece. The suggestions may well be the solution to our intractable problems as a nation. I think it is now concluded that unless something drastic happens, we are condemned into this quagmire. In the current dispensation, our major problems are the legislatures. They are all […]


JACOB KWAGA : This is a very hilarious and refreshing piece. The suggestions may well be the solution to our intractable problems as a nation. I think it is now concluded that unless something drastic happens, we are condemned into this quagmire. In the current dispensation, our major problems are the legislatures. They are all compromised by the way they fix irrational and immoral allowances for themselves and still turn oversight functions into a business. What moral rights do they have to check and reign in the executive? Thank you for making our day.

IBRAHIM HANEEF : I am 100% in support of your opinion on constitutional review because it will cut down the excesses of these so-called leaders and give room for service delivery. But, then, what of the police? They are an integral part of our problems. Are you suggesting that they are also to be devolved to each Geo-Political Zonal and Provincial Governments? If yes, then we are in for a treat.

MOHAMMED YUSUF : I really appreciate last Saturday’s column, because it said my mind and of many others I know. Your message is loud and clear, and it came in such a relaxed manner! By the way, I wouldn’t mind if this country is divided altogether, as the existence of the North cannot in any way be said to depend on any other part of the country. There may be some initial challenges, but I am sure they are surmountable in the long run. It is time each goes their own way kawai!

SAMUEL OLA DOPEMU : As usual, this is a highly educative and thought-provoking article. May Allah continue to strengthen you and sharpen your wisdom. But you said: ‘Better divorce than unhappy marriage’? Haba Bala! Please continue to preach and practice what you are so well known for: unity, religious tolerance, honesty, diligence and patriotism. In sha Allah we will get to the Promised Land. Unity is always better than its opposite. Please note that divorce in Africa is not easy, nor its consequences pleasant. See what is going on now in the old Sudan! Ka huta lafiya.

ABBATI DANKANTI GUMEL : Thank you for a job well done! You spoke the minds of most Nigerians with this proposal, with a view to making them maintain self-confidence, develop and build a virile society thus eliminating nonsensical attitudes displayed by the few amongst us. This piece concludes to me that you are a true nationalist devoid of rancour, tribalism, corruption, self-enrichment and other negative tendencies. Others are busy destroying the image of Nigerians both at home and abroad. What you forgot to mention (probably an oversight?) was the role of the police in the proposed constitutional amendments. Where do we place them?

TINA HANIS : This is really hilarious! I was in stitches for such a long time! But I must concede that I agree (seriously) with some of your proposals. Keep it up!

UMAR MODIBBO : You really spoke our minds; the so-called presidential system of government is not suitable for Nigeria because it is very expensive to run, and concentrates too much power in the executive branch to the detriment of the separation-of-powers principle. It breeds corruption, dirty do-or-die politics and is the source of disunity in the country. This is because every section wants to control the centre for the benefit of its tribe, religion or zone, to the detriment of the other zones, and even the country. It promotes sentiments to justify any wrong-doing and promotes maladministration and outright incompetence in government. Nigeria is greater than all of us, and we hope to leave a good legacy for our children. May Allah continue to give you good health and more knowledge to continue with this excellent work.

MUHAMMAD JIBREEL : Brother, since you have come up with such a proposal, you then agree that ‘honourability’ is not absent, as some pessimistic Nigerians assume. Yours, if implemented, is our initiative – not imposed – and inspired by own norms and cultures. Sadly, one can be definite that deaf-ears and narrow selfish minds will be the barrier. If that happens, then the last option should be the way-out. Kawai!

MUHAMMAD LAWAL MAIDOKI : Your Memorandum on Constitution Amendment read, understood and digested! All the excellent suggestions are an exact fit for this troubled country of ours. I hereby move for adoption. Seconders?