Re-Google’s New Certification that is Better than a Degree

For the first time, Facebook restricted my access to its platform. Last week’s column generated so many likes, shares and questions that Facebook‘s algorithm thought that it was a coordinated campaign to get likes or to trick people to buy something. This is a bit silly since no one is going to pay me anything […]

Re-Google’s New Certification that is Better than a Degree

Re-Google’s New Certification that is Better than a Degree

For the first time, Facebook restricted my access to its platform. Last week’s column generated so many likes, shares and questions that Facebook‘s algorithm thought that it was a coordinated campaign to get likes or to trick people to buy something. This is a bit silly since no one is going to pay me anything and I do not have an affiliate account with Coursera.

But I do not blame them seeing that within a couple of hours, 211 people had sent requests to join the Prof. Brainy Google Data Analytics group. The next time I checked, more than 300 requests were waiting. Yet, many readers have questions. Tons of questions.

Below is a sample of the questions readers sent to me.

Question: I studied computer science, however, I now work as admin staff – I’ve been doing so for 14 years. Will Google Data Analytics professional Certificate be relevant to my current job schedule?

Response: Good question. I don’t know much about your organisation and its motivations. But the important thing is that this program will prepare you in such a way that you’re future-ready to the extent that you can get jobs in different countries around the world. I found that using the global practice/trend to answer Nigerian employment questions and challenges usually problematic.

This is because Nigeria turns everything on its head and doesn’t recruit based on merit – especially in government. So if you’re in government I can’t answer your question. But this should not be about your employer. This should be about you. You should answer the relevant questions yourself: as a computer scientist, do you think this will enrich your CV? If you get a better job, are you going to make the switch? Do you think this certification will help you with the career switch?

Question: Okay, I am willing to enrol; what is the first step and payment mode? How much will it cost me to finish the program?

Response: Please read last week’s column to learn how much it will cost you to invest in the certification.

Question: I try registering on and they are requesting card details.  Is it a trusted site? And can I go ahead? Thank you.

Response: Yes, it is a trusted site. Trusted by both learners and the best universities around the world.

Question: Could you clarify the paragraph that said one can finish the programme in two months while the normal duration is for six months?

Response: It is self-paced. That means you can finish as fast as you want or as slowly as you want. However, the more time you spend on it, the more Coursera will charge you – since it is a monthly subscription service. So if you have the time and the will, I propose you do it in two months – at least do it in three months.

Here is how you can do it in two months.  Try to complete a course every week. There are eight courses. So one course per week means four courses per month and eight courses in two months. I finished a course in less than one week while working full time.

Question: Have you seen anyone who is participating in the Google Analytics training from Nigeria, because I learnt it is open to only people from the US and Canada?

Response: Yes. I’m doing it. I’m a Nigerian who lives in Nigeria. Many Nigerians were enrolled even before I published my article. Did you go to Coursera to register and it didn’t allow you to register because you are from Nigeria?

Question: I own a secondary school and wants to allow my students to study Google Data Analytics. How do you propose we proceed?

Response: It wouldn’t be easy to integrate this into a normal school curriculum. So I suggest you create an extra time for the students interested – either after school or during the weekends.

Whatever time you choose, you can either get them to finish in four or two months. Of course, finishing in two months would be intensive as I explained above. If you choose to finish in four months, you would complete a course every two weeks. That means completing two courses every month, which means completing the entire eight courses in four months.