Re: Isn’t Shagari being overrated?

On whatever the lucre or spur, the self-acclaimed, chest-thumping journalist “who have worked as a reporter in the North-West long enough to call it home”, did not, for decency, decorum or moderation, have kind words for the nationally and globally respected elder statesman, former president Shehu Shagari. In his words, “And if imagination is stretched […]

Re: Isn’t Shagari being overrated?
Re: Isn’t Shagari being overrated?

On whatever the lucre or spur, the self-acclaimed, chest-thumping journalist “who have worked as a reporter in the North-West long enough to call it home”, did not, for decency, decorum or moderation, have kind words for the nationally and globally respected elder statesman, former president Shehu Shagari. In his words, “And if imagination is stretched a little further, not even the older Shagari would shake a fruit from the Wamakko tree” Indeed?
To the main thrust of his mission, Barkindo told his readers that in spite of hi rich political antecedents of a one-time Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice in Sokoto State, his having been a Minister for six years and Deputy Governor since 2007, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for Mukhtari to win the governorship race in Sokoto”. He based his garrulous assertion on what he termed “the man’s poor human relation and grassroots appeal in the state…for example although the FG spent N180bn during  his first two years as minister at the Water Resource Ministry little is (sic) done in Sokoto regarding potable  drinking water for his people”.
It is amazing and laughable that an itinerant journalist like Barkindo would peddle such pedestrian stunts on the record of service of Mukhtari Shagari as Minister of Water Resources. Clearly throwing up the garbage fed him by those who sent him on a mission of character assassination, one would have expected him to be, at least, informed and enlightened enough to know that as a Minister, Mukhtari Shagari had the entire country as his scope of commitment and that Sokoto as a component of the whole could only have benefitted as much as it was due to it in terms of water project allocation.  
Barkindo may not be “home” enough in the North-West to know the facts and those whose bidding he was doing would be so much blindfolded by hate and awe of a formidable opponent to acknowledge the facts of Mukhtari’s contribution to the development of Water Resources in the state and the region.  
One of the very first action taken by Mukhtari Shagari as Minister, was that he gave a cheque of N760m for the rehabilitation of Sokoto Water Treatment Plant to improve water supply in Sokoto metropolis, followed with the distribution of twenty hand pumps to each of the twenty-three local government areas plus, the plethora of motorized and solar-powered boreholes to boost rural water supply. When next Barkindo breezes into Sokoto he can check these facts in Sifawa, Isa, Sabon-Birni, Yabo among other towns and villages where those rural water projects are still functioning.   Barkindo’s article comes across like the dirge of the eclipse of a dream. Mukhtari deserves commendation for his widely known and consistent loyalty, respect and support to his boss, Governor Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko since 2007. This relationship is reciprocal and for sure, the two would not allow enemies to come in between them for frivolous reasons,          
Emmanuel Anozie, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Abuja.

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