Re: Let’s dissolve the AU now

On coming to Nigeria, I wonder where they are justified; did we make it so easy for them to stride in and rape the country and walk right out unhindered? When will Nigeria wake up and realise the treasures that have been bestowed upon her, without being timidly led by the hand and shown.  When […]

Re: Let’s dissolve the AU now
Re: Let’s dissolve the AU now

On coming to Nigeria, I wonder where they are justified; did we make it so easy for them to stride in and rape the country and walk right out unhindered? When will Nigeria wake up and realise the treasures that have been bestowed upon her, without being timidly led by the hand and shown.  When will Nigeria wake up and realise that with very little thought and effort, they could process agric produce, as I do, and tap into a billion dollar international trade?
I am bewildered at the wasted opportunities and resources. The blatant corruption and disregard for rule of law.  The thirst and greed for wealth that appears to be an innate feature of many Nigerians where family members rob and dupe their relatives from abroad, enriching themselves whilst we in the diaspora sweat and battle with mortgages, bills and hefty expense and still happily remit monies to family members. Many have sent monies for personal buildings that never got built, or personal business that family members manage that gulp thousands of pounds, and then fail.  
On returning ‘home’ I applied for GIS staff under SURE-P and was asked to put N100k into a staffs personal account, I applied before Christmas and I still have no GIS staff (June
2015). 5 unemployed youth missing a huge opportunity because of some one’s selfish interests.
I came back full of hope and am now going back not to Home but the place of my birth. I pray that Nigeria experiences real change but it starts with each individual from the school child who steals his co-students pencil, to the politician who diverts government funds to his own coffers. Enough is enough! ‘
Christine Shuaibu<[email protected]>