Re: Malam Adamu Adamu’s tears

I am not surprised that the Hon. minister laments the protracted turnaround of events  in the lingering  crisis related to  the seven-month ASUU strike.  This is because it is always easier to draw conclusions from the sidelines as against being an actual player. As a veteran professional  senior of yours, one could see why you […]

Re: Malam Adamu Adamu’s tears

Minister of Education Adamu Adamu

I am not surprised that the Hon. minister laments the protracted turnaround of events  in the lingering  crisis related to  the seven-month ASUU strike.  This is because it is always easier to draw conclusions from the sidelines as against being an actual player. As a veteran professional  senior of yours, one could see why you chose to leave the Hon.  Minister of Education  “with his lamentations” without further elaboration. You were actually more analytical on the issues involved in the ongoing  ASUU strike this time around. You tried to give alternatives and somewhat softened your stance on ASUU even if not justifying their egocentric “trigger happy” recourse to strikes at every slightest provocation.  You, in short, sought to advise on a resort to a middle course where both the government and ASUU will yield some grounds for amicable resolution. But with the case filed by the federal government at the National Industrial Court against ASUU, an  amicable, mutual resolution may have been jettisoned.  


Garba Isa resides in Abuja