Now that this Column has made a case in support of restructuring this country (suggesting a radical restructure of our National Presidency, National Assembly, National Judiciary, National Decision-Making, National Image, National Resources, National Punishments and National Geography), we hope Nigerian politicians will now urge the President to do the needful. With the current hardships in […]


Now that this Column has made a case in support of restructuring this country (suggesting a radical restructure of our National Presidency, National Assembly, National Judiciary, National Decision-Making, National Image, National Resources, National Punishments and National Geography), we hope Nigerian politicians will now urge the President to do the needful. With the current hardships in the economy and the polity, he may well need a distraction. The agenda of restructuring better be done now, and done away with. To wit, let there be a new National Constitution to be subjected to a National Referendum. Let us all find our respective levels. This week, your reactions to restructuring:
Muhammad Ajah ([email protected]): If Northern Christians complain of marginalisation, the mother of all marginalisations happens in the South East; the one against Igbo Muslims – in fact many Nigerians don’t even think we exist! While the governors of some northern states with Christian minorities have deemed it fit to appoint Christians as commissioners and special assistants into their cabinets, it is still a taboo for Igbo Muslims to be appointed commissioners in their own states of origin. Assuredly, it is neither because the Igbo Muslims are not qualified nor politically active, it is simply because they are Muslims – they are ‘Hausas’ as they are called by their Igbo cousins. So, should the Igbo Muslims be appointed into the federal government as ‘Hausas’ because they are Muslims? It seems nobody is worried or concerned about this matter? Where do Igbo Muslims belong to in all matters concerning restructuring and national integration? The Christian minority of northern Nigeria has had a fair share – nay a fat share – in Nigeria’s economic and political existence. None and affirmatively no single share has been granted the Igbo Muslims. There should be a restructuring vis-a-vis the way Nigeria treats Northern Christians and Igbo Muslims. Goose and Gander!
Dr. Sa’idu Dukawa ([email protected]): We are in full and absolute support. It makes a lot of sense. May it fall on some listening ears!
Aminu Yakubu ([email protected]): In sociology, we rightly appeal for issues to antagonise over for a rational dialogue. The debate or discussion on the above subject matter remains one of those unfortunate behaviours of the so-called educated elite which pull down our development in all endeavours. It is sickening to put it mildly for us to abandon the real issues of the moment for political products of politicians playing scams for political consideration in 2019. We need conscious efforts, beyond the rhetoric, toward multiplying our revenue sources beyond oil at the present time. That is the issue, instead of wasting energy on political jobbers’ scam. But, if I may add to the discussion, I will want the abolition of states and the retention of local governments as the only component units of our federation.
Dr.  Felix Faden ([email protected]): Yours was an interesting piece I read on this matter of restructuring. I also submitted a memorandum to the last National Conference but it did not see the light of day. I know it was a rather radical submission which, I still believe, may be part of the solution to our problem. Will share it with this Column in the near future.
Muhammad Lawal ([email protected]): You are absolutely correct on this matter on restructuring. Yes, let’s do it – let’s see who blink first? May Allah reward you abundantly for your suggestions. Have a good weekend and very best regards to you and all yours.
Dr. Sanusi Mohammed ([email protected]): What a wonderful way to restructure! I agree totally. May it be so!
Maryam Ahmad Abubakar ([email protected]): This makes a lot of sense. Article well-articulated with facts and figures, plus ways out. If only they would also give this some importance like they did in rejecting a project that would help Kano and its economy…
Ibrahim Salisu Na’inna ([email protected]): This matter of restructuring is very important and your treatment of it is terrific, meaningful, heart touching, full of remedies and terrific. But it may be difficult to adopt some of the solutions you proffered, such as the Chinese policy of ‘One Thief One Bullet’ for, if that were to be adopted, half the country may be shot because the majority of criminal acts are done by conspiracy. It is only in Nigeria that the thief who steals a goat will be jailed for 10 years while someone who steals billions will be in security custody for only few hours. Also, we have pretenders, who are the majority of those responsible for punishing the criminals. We must, as you suggest, reform the judiciary for this system to be overturned. Also, in Nigeria we have abundant resources but we export only primary products such as snails. In short, we are not very serious! So help us God! May Allah bless you.
Aminatu Ali AbdulRahman ([email protected])  Amin! May Allah make it so! Yours is very apt – better a divorce (as messy as it can be) than an unhappy marriage (which can lead to all sorts of problems like depression, suicide, murder, etc). A ‘divorce’ in this matter of restructuring may be beneficial because only then can each ‘partner’ appreciate reality, which may not be as bad as they feared ab initio. Thank you and more ink to your pen!
Amina Isma’il ([email protected]): That’s an unbiased talk on restructuring! I felt really proud reading it. At least now I know what ‘tsaraba’ to ask from someone that travels to Bauchi, but I always used to think ‘kilishi’ was more to Katsina than it is to Bauchi. But you did not mention our Zamfara resources – balangu, hura da nono…etc!
Aisha Muhammad ([email protected]): There are a lot of things that need to be considered in this matter of restructuring, which others are using to blackmail us, but thank you so much for effort of laying them bare. You have stated the major areas that needs to be restructured, and we are hoping that the leaders and the masses will now focus their thoughts towards this next step in the development of our great dear nation.
Isah Abubakar ([email protected]): Sir, kindly explain to me the meanings of “MON” and “EY” in the second to the last paragraph of your Column. Many thanks in advance.
COLUMNIST REPLIES: If I remember correctly, many years ago during the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidency, ace comedian and laughter-harbinger Chika Okpala (alias Zebrudaya) was awarded the national honour ‘Member of the Order of the Niger’ (MON). When he was handed over the award at the Abuja event, Zebrudaya refused to go and sit down like other awardees. He just stood. A visibly confused president stood there also, looking at the comedian, finally asking him why he was still standing there. Zebrudaya said he wanted to speak, and he was given the mike. The he said this: “Mr. President, you have just given MON, I’m here waiting for you to add the EY.” [MON+EY=Money] And you can imagine the laughter!