As reported on this page last week, Sarkin Kano Muhammad Sanusi II began a Rangadi, or tour, of the state. He had begun with Dambatta, a leading district and domain of 89-year old Alhaji (Dr.) Muhtar Adnan, Sarkin Ban Kano. One of his daughters, Hajiya Gaji Mukhtar-Umar ([email protected]) who played a leading role in hosting […]


As reported on this page last week, Sarkin Kano Muhammad Sanusi II began a Rangadi, or tour, of the state. He had begun with Dambatta, a leading district and domain of 89-year old Alhaji (Dr.) Muhtar Adnan, Sarkin Ban Kano. One of his daughters, Hajiya Gaji Mukhtar-Umar ([email protected]) who played a leading role in hosting Sarki Sanusi, sent in this ‘Vote of Thanks’ in response to our last week’s offering. She was assisted in the idea by her elder brother Dr. Mansur Muhtar ([email protected]), former Nigerian Minister of Finance. (And the un-captioned photo adorning the Column last week was the Sarki surrounded by Merit Award Winners of Ungogo District led by Prof. Dahiru Yahya). Enjoy:
For starters, Sarkin Kano Muhammad Sanusi II (Lamido to us before he became Sarki) is my nephew and I his aunt, although almost age-mates. I remember a very prescient conversation we had way back in 1981 when we were both undergraduates at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria. He had come up to me and said: “Gwaggo (Auntie) Gaji, note this down! In sha Allah one day I am going to be the Emir of Kano or the Chief Imam of Kano, or even both!”
What ambition, I had thought! But that figured, because as grandson of an Emir of Kano on the father’s side and grandson of a Grand Imam of Kano on the mother’s side, Lamido was entitled to aspire. But, I thought, harbouring such double ambition was a little far-fetched! Or so I thought of my nephew! But I did “note it down” as he requested.
So when two weeks ago Lamido came to Dambatta as Sarkin Kano, and then led the Friday Prayers at Dambatta Central Juma’a Mosque as Chief Imam (after leading same at Kano Grand Mosque several times as Grand Imam), I said to myself: “Allahu Akbar! Allah has answered Lamido’s prayer of 1981! Allah is indeed Great!”
The memory of the visit of Sarkin Kano to Dambatta will forever remain fresh in the minds of the family of Sarkin Ban Kano in particular, and the entire people of Dambatta in general. As for the family members, it was like a home-coming of one of their own, owing to the long-standing friendship between the Sarki’s late father, Ciroman Kano Ambassador Aminu Sanusi (may Allah forgive him), and the head of our family, Kawu Babba, as we fondly call our father, Sarkin Bai. And for the people of Dambatta, it was a great honour to be the first district to host the Sarkin Kano on his maiden tour (Rangadi).
Some of us have in the past been lucky to witness a couple of such royal visits to Dambatta by the late Emir of Kano, Alhaji Dr. Ado Bayero (may Allah forgive him). It had always been a thing of joy when the late Emir came visiting, with so much to eat and drink, whole rams and lots of chicken roasted on open grills, Fura da Nono in free flow, and the children lining up to pay homage, ushered in by my late mother Bilkisu Bayero (Nani), the late Emir’s own younger sister (may her gentle soul continue to rest in peace). I still recall his response to our greetings: “Ingwayya” in that regal voice!
So when a date for the visit of the present Sarki was announced, letters and texts were sent to all the illustrious sons and daughters of Dambatta in Nigeria and abroad. Alhaji Salisu Saleh Na’inna, a Federal Director in Abuja, played a vital role in mobilising indigenes of Dambatta in Abuja and beyond. All hands were on deck to make the visit a success. Kawu, despite his ripe age of 89, was at the fore front (alhamdulilLah for his good health). He was supported by his sons, daughters (of which I am one), in-laws, nephews, nieces and other well-wishers. Dr. Abdu Muhtar flew in from the United States, “kar a yi ba shi!” Although Dr. Amina Odidi (nee Muhtar) was not able to make it from Toronto, she was on the phone 24/7 dishing out instructions.
Some little renovations and adjustments around the house were necessary, and Architect Ali Muhtar’s world of experience came in handy. Together with self-made Engineer Baba Ado Muhtar, the whole house was transformed in a matter of days. Anything for Sarkin Kano!
A day before I was to leave Abuja for Dambatta in preparation for the royal visit, “Yallabai” (my husband Engr. M.G. Umar) came into my room and, on sighting the number of boxes I was packing, exclaimed “Mama! I hope you are not leaving us for good!” But he was so magnanimous to let me spend eight days away from home! (But in the eight days I was away, I continued receiving calls asking for the contacts of the plumber, the electrician, the AC technician, etc!)
The Sarki arrived at about 12 noon on the Friday, and a little later proceeded to lead the Friday prayer at the Central Mosque. He later led the Asr prayer as well and then the Trooping of the Colours! A colorful Durbar round Dambatta town with Ciroman Sarkin Bai Alhaji Abba Muhtar at the helm of affairs.
On Saturday morning, the day of the Rangadi proper, the Sarki honoured some of the illustrious sons and daughters of Dambatta who stood out meritoriously in their various fields of endeavour. Two of my siblings, Mansur and Amina, were among the ten so honoured, ma sha Allah!
But back to reminiscence! Apart from the “Note this down!” episode of 1981, there was another fortuitous encounter between Lamido, as he then was, and me. It was in the early 1990s when he was the Branch Manager of ICON Merchant Bankers Plc., Kano Branch, and I was working with the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) and we shared the same office complex, The African Alliance House on Airport Road.
One day, he had come up to my office on the 5th floor and said to me: “Gwaggo Gaji, I’m resigning this job and going to Sudan for studies.” To say the least, I was utterly shocked! What is wrong with this my nephew, I had thought! I blurted out in frustration: “Wallahi Lamido I am quite certain kurciya aka yi ma!” (Meaning, someone must be using diabolical means to remove you from your position and send you away into the wide world). And his answer was: “Gwaggo Gaji, whoever may have done that kurciya to send me off did well by me, for I am setting out to study the Qur’an and Islamic Jurisprudence.” And off to Sudan he went, to my utter shock and frustration!
But when I heard him delivering the Khutba, or Sermon, in pure Arabic that Friday in Dambatta, I understood better Allah’s plan! Allahu Akbar!
And back to Dambatta! On Sunday morning, the menfolk (my brothers) formally paid homage to the Sarki. The womenfolk, albeit a noisy bunch, played a vital role in ensuring that no one went hungry throughout the memorable occasion.
We thank the Sarki for coming to Dambatta first before any other district. We thank our father, Alhaji (Dr.) Muhtar Adnan for the upbringing and quality education he gave us. To our mothers, we say a big thank you for raising us all up in the best of conduct. Our gratitude goes to all the good people of Dambatta who have all been supportive in making Sarki’s visit a success.
Ran Sarki ya dade, we feel greatly honoured to have hosted Your Royal Presence!