Thank you very much for your Saudi America, and may God have mercy on Ahmad Gurab who coined for us an epithet so apt. And it is a thing of joy to see you finally falling into line in a geopolitical daidaita sahu of sorts. But to think that it has to take WikiLeaks exposures […]


Thank you very much for your Saudi America, and may God have mercy on Ahmad Gurab who coined for us an epithet so apt. And it is a thing of joy to see you finally falling into line in a geopolitical daidaita sahu of sorts. But to think that it has to take WikiLeaks exposures to make you stop equating Islam with Saudi Arabia and wake up from cultural slumber is indicative of the greatness of what Julian Assange has achieved by exposing the duplicity that goes by the name of modern diplomacy and unmasking the international hypocrites.

You have certainly been enamoured of Saudi Arabia for too long. Unfortunately, many people have been: many aren’t able to say anything untoward about a country in which the Holy Ka’aba is situated or where the dearest of dears lies.

Saudi Arabia is an embarrassment without equal to all conscious Muslims and to the religion of Islam: its theology is a 19th century innovation, in the absolutism of its monarchy, it is one of the world’s worst police states, and in its diplomacy, it is an American stooge without an iota of national self-pride.

It should not be surprising if it opposes Iran or anything that deals a blow to American interests. Indeed, it would have been a great disaster for the authenticity of the Islamic Revolution in Iran if it had not been opposed by Saudi Arabia. I am surprised that you are surprised that King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia has requested, asked, begged, beseeched and exhorted the Americans to attack the Islamic Republic. Even if the Iranians are non-Muslim, Muslims must accept that they have the right to possess the weapons with which to defend themselves.

But there should be nothing surprising in Saudi Arabia asking someone to invade Iran. Exactly 30 years ago, Arab confederates, under the leadership of Saudi Arabia and on the orders of the United States, funded Saddam Hussein to do just that.

According to WikiLeaks, Saudi Foreign Minister Sa’ud al-Faisal has perfected a military strategy to invade Lebanon and crush the Hizbullah; and has reportedly urged the Americans to adopt and implement it. Not at all surprising. On the orders of the United States of America, his uncle, King Khalid of Saudi Arabia, brokered and funded the Arab Deterrent Force that in 1976 invaded Lebanon and crushed the power of the Muslim Alliance and this paved the way for Israel to clear Lebanon of Palestinian presence. Your call to Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to wake up to the fact that their Number One Enemy is the duo of Israel and America will most likely go unheeded; because there Arab regimes know their enemy better than you. Their Number One Enemy is Islam—the political Islam that enjoins justice to all, teaches tolerance with others, and prescribes eternal hostility to imperialism and Zionism. And the Saudis will never waver in their attempt to stamp it out wherever it raises its head, whether it is in Iran, or in Palestine [Hamas] or in Lebanon [Hizbullah].

They very well knew that Iran was not and would never be the threat that they said it was. Bala, you should have asked them why they never felt threatened when the same US armed the Shah of Iran with the most sophisticated weaponry and, together with the French, began building the very nuclear reactor that they said posed such a mortal threat even to them and to the world at large.

If Iran intended to be a threat to them, it would not have needed nuclear weapons in any case. There is little doubt that, if it wanted, the Islamic Republic could overrun Kuwait in a matter of minutes, Bahrain and Qatar in a few hours; and, Saudi Arabia, even with the help of the Americans, in a matter of days. But Islam will never allow Iran to do that. Meanwhile, Iran had stated that its nuclear programme was for peaceful purposes; and even if they were lying, it would still be a shameful thing for Saudi Arabia to be caught opposing them and not opposing the nuclear bombs of Israel, or call on the Americans to strike at Iran’s nuclear plants and push Palestine and the Muslim World to conclude a peace settlement with the Zionist entity.

May God strengthen Iran and Hamas and the Christian Palestinian followers of the late George Habash for their consistency and steadfastness in refusing to give a chance to the humiliating surrender which the Western World has been urging the Muslim World to accept in the name of a peace settlement. The truth is that while Israel twists US foreign policy; US foreign policy twists Saudi Arabia in any way it fancies, along, unfortunately, with the Muslim World.

Ironically, this war for which the Saudis want to force a settlement on the Muslim World is one in which not a single Saudi bullet has ever been fired from 1948 until today. While they could be stern with other Muslims and quite inhospitably unpleasant even with pilgrims, they were not man enough to defend the Haram in 1979. They had to bring in French troops to do it for them.

Perhaps you still have a lot of eye-opening to do, if you think that they are managing the Hajj well. You certainly cannot call turning Mecca and Medina into concrete jungles, and deliberately obliterating every trace of the Holy Prophet [SAW] in the land of his birth—the place of revelation—and opposing every instance of the remembrance of his life and legacy management. More than 25 years ago we criticised the management of the Stoning and all the unnecessary stampede attending mass movements. They denied they were mismanaging matters and only after hundreds of Muslim lives had been lost did they adopt the multi-level storey stoning platform and begin a mass transit programme. If that is management and if the King of Saudi Arabia is Custodian of the Two Holy Places, the President of Israel should be recognised as the Custodian of One Holy Place—Haram al-Sharif!

I am happy that you are now able to criticise those whom you used to equate with the Ka’aba. Hijaz may be blessed God’s Acre but the Saudi government is no God’s government; and, along with other monarchies, it remains an illegitimate innovation in Islam. And neither the inviolability of Masjid al-Haram nor the sacrosanctity of the Mausoleum of the Holy Prophet [SAW] will rub off to consecrate the Saudi monarchy. A monarchy per se is an illegitimate and disagreeable institution in Islam; and, because of its inimical role with regard to the overall interest of Muslims vis a vis American ‘interests’ in the Muslim World, the House of Sa’ud is particularly indigestibly so.

Adamu Adamu