Pharm. Aminu Usman, Kano: Tafa is really a tough village. Can’t we rebrand it ‘Tanker Drivers Paradise’? No one could molest them as they have the ‘power’ to hold the nation to ransom and get any law-enforcement agent compromised. Our leaders are never serious with preventing problems, not to talk of confronting them. If you […]


Pharm. Aminu Usman, Kano: Tafa is really a tough village. Can’t we rebrand it ‘Tanker Drivers Paradise’? No one could molest them as they have the ‘power’ to hold the nation to ransom and get any law-enforcement agent compromised. Our leaders are never serious with preventing problems, not to talk of confronting them. If you think of air travel, that is only for the rich and the ‘honourables’. Rail? May its gentle soul rest in perfect bush. So think of alternative routes to Abuja.  We can’t begin to compare ourselves to Western Rail Systems, but can’t we even aspire to Indian Railways? Alas!

Abu Khali: This is really inspiring. Hope they will take action. Please keep it up. Allah Ya ja kwana!

Badamasi Haiba, Abuja: Thank you very much for the good work you have been doing. Your write-up on the nuisance of Tafa Village is commendable and a challenge to the authorities concerned. Kaduna State should borrow a leaf from Ogun State. Marabar Jos along Zaria-Kaduna road is another notorious village that needs to be joined with Tafa in the rebranding project. Kaduna State should in collaboration with other authorities like FERMA do something urgent to provide solution to this menace.

Aminu B. Husaini, Kaduna: Not only that Tafa is unrebrandable, we can’t even stop there to buy yams lest some of Tafa tenants (armed robbers) waylay you and snatch your car as well. Allah jikan Alhaji Ladan Baki, elder statesman who lost his life at Tafa.

Salisu Suleiman: Thank you Mallam for this wonderful piece. Just like Nigeria, Tafa is simply unrebrandable.

Ya’u Isah, Jaiz, Kano: Thank you very much for this beautiful piece. Every time I traverse along that road, I feel sad about the level of callousness and irresponsibility of our governments both at the state and federal levels. How can any serious government allow such lawlessness to happen in its land? My prayer is that the powers-that-be will take up the challenge of rebranding this notorious product. It should be Prof Dora Akunyili’s litmus test.

Abubakar Kassim, Kano: Your dossier today on this notorious town called Tafa is quite timely and commendable. I hope the rebranding lady professor and her bosses will take up the rebranding of Tafa as a challenge. This particular town where trailers are parked on both sides of the road with little space in the middle for other road users has claimed the life of a Katsina elder statesman, Alhaji Ladan Baki and his companions when their car rammed into a trailer parked almost on the road. When next in Saudi Arabia and Tafa is still unbranded, please don’t forget to STONE both Tafa and the rebranding ambassadors for failing woefully in their duties.

Yakubu R, Bauchi: Beyond rebranding indeed! What a challenge to the rebranders! I would rather drive up the treacherous Obudu Mountain Pass than pass through Dangerous Tafa!

Ilu S, Kano: Allah Ya kare mu. You said everything that should be said in wisdom and humour.

Muhammad Jibril, Kano: As if you read my mind wallahi! I passed by Tafa last weekend and witnessed all the mishaps. The FRSC marshals were there all right, but they were busy harassing everyone but the real guilty party. May Allah compensate you for your KIA.

Iro Mamman, Katsina: This is a death-corridor kawai! I hope the powers-that-be will take note and rebrand the place, if Tafa will allow them, that is!

Musa Salisu: I think I never read an article as enjoyable as this one. Personifying Tafa Trap is humorous. If I may add, power failure, endless Jos massacre, kidnapping, electoral reform…etc, all these issues and many more are in dire need of urgent attention from the Government-In-Absentia. Unfortunately, those rebranding agents need to rebrand themselves first.  I hope this unique style will be able to draw the attention of the rebranders if direct advice, endless complaints or even preaching doesn’t seem to work.

SG, Nasir, Abuja: Yes, I am Tafa! I dare all Nigeria! Article is beyond my imagination. Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Allah Ya saka da alkhairi, amin

Moruf Yusuf: The whole country is ‘Tafa’ which refuses to be rebranded and has become unrebrandable. Whoever dares such rebranding will be ‘Tafalised!’

Ibrahim Mohammed: Thought nothing captures the essence of Nigeria’s state of lawlessness and government’s insensitivity to crucial issues than this write-up.

H.O.: Our brother could not be faulted in any way. What he has talked about can be seen all over the country. But unfortunately it can’t be seen by those who should take action.

SS Ya’u, on Kaduna-Abuja Expressway (by Blackberry): Mallam, I’m just passing by the almighty Tafa. Please pray for me that I pass safely. Subhanallahi! A’uzu billahi! Qula uzu! Falaqi! Nasi! Laqad ja’akum! Li’ilafi! Qalu inna lillahi! Ya Hafizu! Amin! Alhamdu lillahi! Na wuce! Wai!