Re: That weird appeal

Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you had a joyous Eid celebration. I agree that this damsel is really in distress, but she needs to put her house in order first, before she can attract the kind of man she thinks she deserves. She especially has to change her perspective towards riches by knowing that contentment is […]

Re: That weird appeal

Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you had a joyous Eid celebration. I agree that this damsel is really in distress, but she needs to put her house in order first, before she can attract the kind of man she thinks she deserves. She especially has to change her perspective towards riches by knowing that contentment is riches that does not exhaust.

Also this damsel needs a good dose of modesty which will bring shyness into her and then resign herself to fate by allowing destiny to take its course. It is a sad reality today that we see spinsters among us who are likely to remain single for life. Also sad is the fact that the society folds its arms and does nothing while they go through this trauma. I wish to urge such sisters to put their trust in Allah and expect greater reward in the hearafter.

Also, we need to, as a society wake up from our slumber and realise that gender distribution is tilted in the favour of women while societal progress, especially girl child educational pursuits (a good thing) is making these girls-turn-ladies delay marriage till after graduation from higher institutions of learning. At this stage sometimes, initial suitors are already salivating at their far younger girls, leaving the older ones as spinsters.

The initial damsel in distress, in this column, who was featured 17 years ago was quite different, as she was a local princess whose father wanted an established man to marry. The current one is the one who lacks modesty. All around us too, are other damsels in distress, especially if you deal with higher institutions of learning. At such places, if you are the friendly type, then they will come flocking after you. Lets please find ways to end their agonies.