Re: University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital and poor patients

For the avoidance of doubt, the Hospital has “Paupers Fund” (for patients that cannot afford to pay for statutory government-approved charges),

Re: University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital and poor patients

University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital

The attention of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital Management has been drawn to an opinionated letter and an article to the Editor published in two separate editions of your prestigious newspaper, Daily Trust, of 3rd and 14th May, 2021, with respect to Hospital service delivery. The article was copied to an online news platform, Opera News.

Ordinarily, the Hospital Management would have ignored the false and misleading claims made in the two publications, but for their potential to mislead the Hospital’s publics into misunderstanding its staff and the strenuous efforts and sacrifices they have been making to serve humanity. Being a high profile tertiary health institution operating in a challenging environment, it is open to public opinion and scrutiny. However, when such opinions and scrutiny go beyond the exercise of rights and privileges by a section of the public, including malicious, false and unsubstantiated claims, it is imperative for management to set the records straight, in an addition to not denying the fact that there is bound to be some challenges in endeavours as human beings.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Hospital has “Paupers Fund” (for patients that cannot afford to pay for statutory government-approved charges), where even the doctors, nurses and other staff members contribute money to assist needy-patients. There is also a Social Welfare Unit that offers social support for patients in need. It is, therefore, unfair for some members of the public, such as the authors of the two publications, to deliberately twist facts, fabricate and magnify issues in respect of the Hospital either out of ignorance or for other reasons best known to them. The two publications and other like write-ups, especially those circulating on the social media, have the potential to not only demoralise the hardworking staff, but also denigrate and damage the good reputation of the Hospital as a federal government-designated “Centre of Excellence”.

The Hospital, under the able leadership of Professor Ahmed Ahidjo, has done all in its powers to provide high quality services, despite the prevailing high cost of managing public health institutions in the North East sub-region, ravaged by insurgency. In addition, the present Management has already taken far-reaching steps in maintaining an open-door policy aimed at ensuring smooth flow of information among all sections of the Hospital and patients/patient relations.

Therefore, members of the public are advised to discountenance the publications and avail themselves the numerous opportunities open to the public in accessing and positively utilising available information channels in the Hospital to lay their complaints, such as SERVICOM, ACTU, Public Relations Department and the Office of the Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC).

This reputable and noble Hospital that serves local and international populations will stop at nothing in maintaining high standards and best practices in healthcare services, and will continue to be committed to its mandate in Research, Training and Service Delivery.

Justina Anaso, Assistant Director/HOD IPR