Ready for spring: Getting your kitchen ready for the new season

Every year, when spring arrives, most people feel a sense of a new beginning and get a burst of energy to achieve their goals and do the things they’ve been postponing for weeks or even months. This philosophy applies to homeowners who want to change things up in their households as well, especially those who […]

Ready for spring: Getting your kitchen ready for the new season

ready for spring

Every year, when spring arrives, most people feel a sense of a new beginning and get a burst of energy to achieve their goals and do the things they’ve been postponing for weeks or even months. This philosophy applies to homeowners who want to change things up in their households as well, especially those who feel like their rooms have been continuously cluttered since the holidays. Even though you use it very often and it sees a lot of wear and tear, the kitchen is frequently overlooked when it comes to this type of project. Here are the things you must consider when you want to freshen up your kitchen. 

Deep cleaning 

Sure, you wipe away the occasional stain and stray crumbs on a daily basis, but that’s different from giving your kitchen a thorough scrub. For some, it can be the most daunting task of all, as it appears overwhelming. You might not even know where to start. Try not to overthink the task too much and just get on with it, or you’ll find yourself procrastinating. You can start from the top of the cabinets to the floor or move your way from the door to the other side of the room. 

This can also be an excellent opportunity to assess the state of your cabinets. If they’ve accumulated some damage over the years, this is your chance to give them a much-needed makeover. Look for kitchen units or replacement doors if you’re not ready to change the whole unit. You can also get them a fresh coat of paint and varnish to improve their look. 


Clutter is everyone’s enemy. It makes things difficult to find, increases stress and can even be dangerous if objects are so tightly packed that they become a hazard risk. Decluttering is another task that takes a long time to accomplish, but there’s no better time to do it than during the spring cleaning to have a fresh start. If you have a lot of cupboards and cabinets you need to go through, organise decluttering so you don’t have to do everything in a single day. 

It’s best to start with the problem areas in the beginning when you have more energy and leave the relatively clean spots last. Even though it is time-consuming, you’ll notice that you feel a sense of undeniable relaxation and accomplishment to see all your cookware and appliances in their proper place. 


It’s not just about throwing away the things you no longer use but also about ensuring the ones you keep are well-organised, so that you can find them more easily when you look for them. Go through your pantry, cupboards, cabinets, and drawers and reorganise them. Put the items you use most often to the front to ensure they’re easily accessible, and get the ones that see less frequent use to the back. 

When you organise your kitchen, keep your daily routine in mind. If you enjoy brewing coffee and tea or making a cup of matcha in the morning, you’ll want to keep your favourite mug, coffee maker, or bamboo whisk nearby. If you find yourself grabbing for a snack several times a day, you must be sure your stash is easy to find. 


During the cold winter months, you’re more likely to gravitate towards hearty, filling dishes like soups and stews. But when warmer weather rolls in, you’ll start craving new recipes. As spring approaches, you should give your kitchen a deep clean as well and get it ready to be stocked with the flavours of the new season. Make sure to take everything out, or your job will be only halfway done. Check the labels to make sure nothing is past its expiration date, and throw away the things that aren’t good to eat anymore. 

If you’re not sure, just make your choice based on what they look and smell like. Even if something hasn’t gone past the expiration date yet, you’re unlikely to be able to eat it if it’s gone stale. Keeping these foods around can be a potential safety hazard and contaminate the rest of the food you own as well. Wipe your whole fridge thoroughly, and make sure to get the shelves and the drawers. Spills are common in fridges, and they can be pretty tricky to clean after they dry out. 

After you’re ready to bring everything back in, make sure to choose a system for your groceries that allows you to see everything clearly so you’re not forced to rummage through the entire refrigerator to find some tomatoes or a jar of mustard. 

Appliances and sink 

Both your sink and appliances can get quite dirty because they’re in constant use. It’s hardly realistic to expect to clean them after every use, but you must do so regularly at least. When too much grime accumulates, it can damage the components, and you might even have to replace the items. Make sure to choose environmentally friendly products to safeguard your health, as well as that of your family and pets. 

Cleaning your sink and kitchen appliances isn’t just crucial for the look of the room but also to get rid of any germs and pathogens that could be lurking in the kitchen. Although it may sound unlikely, the bacteria in your kitchen can impact your health and even cause disease if they come in contact with your food. 

Linens and towels 

If you use kitchen towels or linens, you know that they can get damaged with constant use. Frequent washing will do that to any fabric, but if yours has become very threadbare, it’s time to get some replacements for them. And since you’ve started, you might want to look into new tablecloths and tea towels to give your kitchen a new look for spring. To create a cohesive ensemble, make sure they’re all in the same or similar colours. 

Your kitchen is the place where you prepare and eat meals, spend time with your family and entertain guests when they come over. It’s only natural to want to have it look its best, and there’s no better way to achieve this than during this year’s spring cleaning.