Rebekkah’s turning point

G enesis 25:21, “And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.”  God guided Abraham’s servant Eliezer to his choice of a wife for Isaac no doubt but twenty years on, she had no issue. She got to breaking point […]

Rebekkah’s turning point
Rebekkah’s turning point


enesis 25:21, “And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.” 

God guided Abraham’s servant Eliezer to his choice of a wife for Isaac no doubt but twenty years on, she had no issue. She got to breaking point and decided to do something about it. Satan does not leave until someone asks him to. Until you arise, that stubborn problem will continue to linger. 

A few things strike one about Rebecca. 

1. She was chaste. Rebecca was a virgin, no man had known her. She was not sleeping around. She did not have a steady boyfriend either. Those who keep themselves never get disappointed. What makes disappointment so painful is that the man has seen all of you. You held nothing back. You gave something permanent for a temporary promise.

I declare your sins forgiven in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Whatever you did before you gave your life to the Lord will not be counted against you. You can become a virgin today. 

God connected her to her prince through an elderly man she treated well. God will connect your prince to you if you disconnect yourself from your sin. Rebecca did not do trial and error. She waited! Tell your neighbour-wait!

She passed the test. The man stood wondering. Your prince may be observing you right now.

2. Rebecca was busy for the house. She went to draw water for the house. What are you doing for the house?

She had strong work ethics. She was a passionate worker. She was passionate in her service to the house. Look at her passion, she ran to the well. She did not drag herself but ran to the well! Most singles fail to develop themselves. Rebecca developed herself. She was a very hardworking girl. Eliezer did not want to marry a liability for Isaac. Her service became her access to her destiny.

3. She was hospitable and generous. Every single day is an opportunity to do something to create the future you desire. Sow seeds for your future. Her generosity was rewarded with marriage to Abraham’s heir apparent. She watered her way into her desired future. She served her way into her destiny. In what way is your life touching others right now?

4. God connected her to her husband. The prayer of Abraham’s servant was answered. Someone somewhere is praying and asking God for you right now. He or she may not know you are the one they are praying for but they will soon find you! The man God ordained for her found her. The man was far away but God brought him. The reason you are not seeing any one right now is because he is far away. God will connect your prince to you. Throw yourself completely into the service of the Lord. Rebecca’s frustrations came when for 20 years in her marriage there were no issues.

5. She was a disciplined girl. When she met her husband for the first time, (Genesis 24:65) she took a veil and covered herself. I believe the wearing of a veil is significant. It says I am a hidden treasure, come and discover me. She did not throw herself on the man; she let the man probe her one layer at a time. It made their wedding day special. It made the intimacy sweet and memorable. There is respect. There is anticipation, expectation and trepidation. There is excitement. When a man has finished discovering you before your wedding, there is nothing to look forward to.             

6. She had a ‘but’ in her life. Rebecca was God’s choice for Isaac and Isaac was God’s choice for Rebecca. They had the smoothest wedding. They were faithful to each other. But they had a problem. They had no issue. The inability of Rebecca to conceive came from her husband’s family. They had a problem that affected their wives. Abraham’s wife Sarah had a problem. Even Abraham’s mother. So was Isaac’s wife, and Jacob’s love: Rachael. Everyone has dark spots in their lives. That part that is painful and regrettable. She had love but she was unfruitful. She had money (wealth) but she was unfruitful, she was barren. Her life was miserable. Is there any one thing that has eluded you in life?

Sarah had her barrenness, Hannah, Elizabeth, etc. but they held on to God.

Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ. 

She was helpless but not hopeless.

7. Her turning point came when her husband interceded for her. He did not blame her but prayed for her. May God surround you with people who will lift you up in prayer at the time of need? He did not just pray; he entreated the Lord. He pleaded for her and God heard. I want you to know that God has heard and answered your prayer. 

8. Their barrenness came to an end. God doesn’t get involved in what you can fix. Truth is, I learnt I can’t fix everything. There are times you feel helpless. There will be impossibilities. But what is impossible with man is possible with God. I shifted from self- dependence to God-dependence. 

She made it. The woman with the issue of blood made it. She was weak after many years of bleeding and losing blood, after many years of losing money. She lost blood but she did not lose hope.  

9. All those who were severely tempted and tested received miracles that shook the world. Sarah delivered Isaac, Rebecca delivered Jacob, Hannah delivered Samuel and Elizabeth delivered John the Baptist.  From your barren womb will come the president of this nation, a prophet to the nations, the next Bill Gate. From your dry business is going to come out a huge financial empire. 

Rachael had the same problem but she got fed up with it, she took no for an answer. The devil always tries to use the same problems in your family against you. Find out what generational problems exist in your family and deal with them. Foundation matters.

Patience is a good virtue but it gets to a point when it is no longer profitable. This is the breaking point. The breaking point is usually also the turning point. 

This is when you draw a line in the sand and say this is how far I will allow this issue to go. She got to her elastic limit. 

I have brought a word for all those who’ve had enough: enough of poverty; enough of pain: this is your turning point! She had always known where to draw the line and when she’d had enough. She knew when to detach. After the ceremonies where concluded, her people wanted her to stay 10 more days but she said no. It is time to confront that challenge in your life. 

Everything that has held you down from making progress leaves you now, in Jesus name! God will increase you on all sides, in Jesus name! 

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.