Rebuilding your foundation for progress in life

There are 3 things you must target in prayers for complete freedom and progress. They are: Foundation, Altars and Gates

Rebuilding your foundation for progress in life
Rebuilding your foundation for progress in life

Bible reading: Luke 6:46-48

We said previously that there are 12 THINGS THE DEVIL DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW OR HAVE

God wants you free. God wants you well, wealthy, fruitful, promoted, holy, strong, big, successful, known, happy and peaceful.

We looked at freedom last Sunday.

There are 3 things you must target in prayers for complete freedom and progress. They are: Foundation, Altars and Gates.

Learning how to deal with these 3 things can lead to the most astounding experiences of your Christian life …The Ancestral Altar you are connected to determines the curses or blessing operating in your life. We shall therefore be looking into Altars and Generational curses subsequently.

Psalm 11:3, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Damaged foundations can seriously impede progress if not stop it completely. Generational curse is a major cause of damaged foundations.

Why Study Foundation?

It is what carries the house or a life. The strength of your foundation determines the weight you can carry on it. The strength of your substructure determines the size of your superstructure. Some people want to carry a big structure without a strong foundation. How far you go and how high you climb will be determined by the kind of foundation you lay.

A crooked foundation will lead to a crooked life. A sound foundation gives rise to a sound and happy life. A weak foundation will only produce a weak and miserable life.

Your foundation determines the survivability of your structure. It determines how much pressure your building can withstand. Faith will be tested. Your marriage will be tested. Your ministry will be tested. Jesus was tested. The storms will come but you don’t need to worry if your foundation is strong.

Storms prove or test the strength of a foundation. A house without a solid foundation will collapse when a storm hits.

It determines how long your building will last. Many ministries, marriages and businesses don’t last long because they are built on sand.

It determines the strength of a house and therefore how long it will last. Luke 6:48, “He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.” Anything built on a weak foundation will not last. Therefore you are only as strong as your foundation.

What Is A Foundation?

The Webster Dictionary defines foundation as ‘The basis of an edifice; that part of a building which lies on the ground; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice.’

Foundations matter. Every single day your life is being built. You are a living entity and growing from the day you were born. We are built physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Everyone is built or building on a foundation; good or bad, strong or weak.

9 Things To Know About Foundations

  1. Foundation refers to roots. The root of anything determines a lot about that thing.
  2. Foundations refer to your spiritual background: the altar you are connected to;
  3. The spirits behind your life.
  4. It could also mean the fundamental principles upon which a life or organization is built. Jesus talks about two kinds of buildings: one built on the rock and another on sand. It also means on the major focus of your pursuit upon which every other thing rests. The foundation of destiny fulfilment is the discovery of divine purpose or assignment.
  5. It also means the beginning of a thing.

Other Things You Need To Know About Foundations

  1. Foundations are hidden.
  2. Can be cursed. Joshua 6:26. It is difficult to build on a cursed foundation.
  3. Foundations can be rebuilt. Difficult as it may sound, foundations can be rebuilt.
  4. Jesus Christ is our eternal foundation. Isaiah 28:16. 1Corinthians 3:11, “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” The righteous are secured in Christ from the storms of life.

Act 16:25-26, “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. [26] And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.”

Apostle Paul and Silas were in prison bound in chains; when they prayed (this is mostly overlooked because we want to make a point about the praise) and sang praises, there was an earthquake; God shook the foundations and the prison doors were flung open. The chains broke! The problem therefore was not the chain or the gates or the doors, it was the foundation!

So, if you want to address a problem, tackle it from the roots.


Some factors or forces that can affect the outcome of a person’s life are:

  1. Your birth. The culture and environment into which you are born shape your belief and your behaviour. Those who come from a background of idol worship have a very faulty foundation. Demonic worship is an abomination that attracts curses. When God is rejected bad endings are guaranteed. Any life built on curses will certainly result in frustration unless something is done about it.
  2. Wrong belief. Demonic deception, lies. Any opinion contrary to the Word of God is a lie. Jesus said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” John 17:17.The most damaging foundation is living on principles contrary to the Word of God. Lies sold to Adam and Eve his wife got them and humanity into a very big mess. You may be born again but if your decisions are made or based on ideas that are contrary to the Word of God, you are building on a faulty foundation. Sin is believing and living satanic lies against the Word of God. Anything built on sin will not stand: business, marriage, ministry, etc. Anything built on lies will not stand. Adam believed a lie and his whole world came crashing down. If you are not born again your life is built on sin and it will collapse. Matthew 7:26-27
  3. Ignorance. God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). If you don’t know, you will make mistakes and some mistakes can lead to tragic endings. You just have to learn what you need to know if you want to avoid tragedy.

Everything in your foundation that has held you back breaks right now, in the name of Jesus!

I release an earthquake to rock your foundation now and command prison doors that have held you captive to open now, in the name of Jesus!

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: e-mail: [email protected] Help line: 08035150515