Recoveries from Covid-19 exceed new infections for record 2 days in Spain

Spain, one of the countries worst affected by the coronavirus pandemic, reported on Saturday that a greater number of people had recovered from the virus than had been newly infected. The decline has been on record for two consecutive days, the health ministry reported. Officials said more than 3,500 COVID-19 sufferers had recovered from the […]

Recoveries from Covid-19 exceed new infections for record 2 days in Spain

Spain, one of the countries worst affected by the coronavirus pandemic, reported on Saturday that a greater number of people had recovered from the virus than had been newly infected.

The decline has been on record for two consecutive days, the health ministry reported.

Officials said more than 3,500 COVID-19 sufferers had recovered from the respiratory disease caused by the virus during the past 24 hours, while there were 3,000 new infections.

In that time, 378 people had died.

These are almost half the level of infections and deaths seen at the height of the epidemic in Spain.

These latest figures bring the total number of infections to more than 220,000 in Spain with a death toll of nearly 23,000.

More than 95,000 people have recovered.

The country has been in a state of emergency since March 15 and this has been extended for the third time to run until May 9.

The lockdown has severely restricted people’s freedom of movement with citizens only permitted to leave their homes to go to the supermarket, the chemist, to work or to take their dog for a walk.

Outdoor sport is not allowed.

Children under the age of 14 have not been allowed outside for almost six weeks but are to be able to go for walks in the company of an adult starting from Sunday.

They will now be able to take a walk for up to an hour and within a 1-kilometre radius of their homes.

Playgrounds remain closed but children are to be able to roller skate, ride scooters and play ball games. (dpa/NAN)