Rejection is never the end

Most women are always at the receiving end of rejection in life, especially in married life. We have heard and read of several cases of women being rejected by their spouses, friends and even families. When rejected, no one can escape from the pains that accompany it. Rejection is an inevitable part of life and […]

Rejection is never the end
Rejection is never the end

Most women are always at the receiving end of rejection in life, especially in married life. We have heard and read of several cases of women being rejected by their spouses, friends and even families. When rejected, no one can escape from the pains that accompany it. Rejection is an inevitable part of life and it can be one of our greatest fears that can cause utmost damage to our personality and life.

“Rejection is one of those universal experiences we can all relate to whether it is family or social, it could be business or a romantic rejection, that feeling of exclusion or lack of acceptance is something we all dread,” according to

Handling rejection can be humiliating, frustrating and hard to digest for most of us, especially women who are considered the weaker sex. However, instead of drowning in self pity and isolation, we can come out with some pearls of wisdom and experience.

Rejection comes in various forms and can occur even in the smallest ways in our lives. But whatever the case, we always tend to blame ourselves for being rejected even if it is the other person’s problem and not ours.  Upholding our dignity and self-respect depends on how we deal with and handle rejection. When we are rejected, we have the propensity to feel unloved, worthless, insignificant and insecure.

At moments like these, we lose our self-confidence or even worse rejection could lead us into doing something disgraceful like vengeance. But it all boils down to one thing that no matter how tough we might or pretend to be, rejection definitely hurts and reaches down to our innermost selves and souls.

Every one of us must have at one point in our lives experienced rejection. It may be by a person with whom you want to have a relationship or it could be when you were turned down for a job you really wanted. The truth is that the only people who never experience rejection are those who never have any interaction with other people which in effect makes for a pretty reclusive and lonely existence.

Unfortunately, we cannot stay away from rejection but we must realise that it can be destructive only if we internalise and permit it to go beyond the boundary we set for it. Learning the correct way about how to deal with and overcome rejection helps us a great deal in easily overcoming the notion of being worthless and strengthen our ability to build strong relationships with the people around us.

Being rejected is a painful experience that can hinder us from doing the things that we are meant to do. Having self-confidence is necessary in overcoming rejection. If you feel good about yourself, you do not need to bother about what other people feel or think of you. The more confident you are, the better you will be at handling different forms of rejection. Like it or not, rejection is a fact of life. In fact, it’s a reality of life. But then we need to understand that rejection is not the end of life.

When we feel rejected, we often respond in unhealthy ways, some of us internalise our rejection and become passive and aggressive as we silently withdraw our affection from those around us. Our success in life depends largely on how we handle rejection, as most people who are successful today have passed through heavy criticism and rejection before they got to where they are today.

It is important that you do not lose hope and let rejection lower your self-confidence.  It is important to understand that nobody can cause us the pain of rejection without our permission; rejection can only affect you if you give in to and allow it to bother you. No matter the rejection you get from the people around you, you can still live a fulfilled and positive life.

Handling rejection is all about exercising self control on our emotions and mind. It does happen in our lives and we tend to get carried away by the little filtrations that shake up our lives at one point or another. In other words, rejection could be a learning process for us.

We all hate rejection, but at one point in our lives, we have to face it. There are times when you need to give yourself time and space to heal from rejection. When rejection comes, you feel it with immense pain, but then, you have to let go and move on. Most people sink themselves so much in depression after rejection that they fall into despair and self pity which keep them stuck and affect their future opportunities.

Going into grief indefinitely will only be a waste of your time. What you need to do is to focus on your future and forget your past or present situation as the past could affect your future. Learn the lessons that rejection offers you and move on to the next level. Rejection happens but that does not mean that it will continue or that it is the end of your life. We can always pick up our lives after rejection and live life as it is.

Life attracts life, so if you are not giving that opportunity to life you can never live your desired life. Rejection is never a sign of defeat; it’s a step to move forward in life. So if you are rejected, brace for the battle ahead. You may never really like rejection, but you can learn to embrace it as a valuable force for your progress in life.

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