Relocating Nyanya long overdue

All along, it’s been known that the Nyanya situation needed some sanitizing but no other action could be more appropriate than relocation. Those of us who hold that view have been vindicated by the evolution of the camp as the Achilles’ heel in the FCT fight against various shades of criminality and the recent but […]

Relocating Nyanya long overdue
Relocating Nyanya long overdue

All along, it’s been known that the Nyanya situation needed some sanitizing but no other action could be more appropriate than relocation. Those of us who hold that view have been vindicated by the evolution of the camp as the Achilles’ heel in the FCT fight against various shades of criminality and the recent but most devastating incidence of terrorism.
The FCT Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed said last week that the plan was to completely demolish and relocate the neighbourhood to a new, purpose-built and expansive area, Gidan Daya.    The Nyanya labour camp, which came into being some 30years ago, was designed as makeshift residential area for the staff of the construction companies involved in the early construction works and development of the Federal Capital Territory.  Contrary to the original plan, the camp rapidly expanded, taking in slums and shanties, straining structures and facilities to their limits as population continually.  In Nyanya, motor cyclist or Okada riders troop on to the main road adding to traffic snarls, ugly plastered walls are a common sight. Stray animals running onto the main road is another common situation in Nyanya, and a whole lot of things that are unthinkable in most capital cities of the world. In the meantime, Nyanya became the sore spot of the FCT, providing rooms for prostitution to thrive at a time when commercial sex hawkers were banished from the metropolis. Environmental pollution and degradation also arise from over-tasked and blown up sewages, gully flooding attends the wanton and reckless erections of structures in alleys, and waterways are all reason for which the continuity of Nyanya in its present form would definitely exposed the FCT to greater evil in no distant future.
 The recent security challenges that have bedevilled the country have, indeed, necessitated the dismantlement and relocation of the Nyanya labour camp as a priority. Another dimension to the concern is that if unregulated, wanton and wilful springing up of structures in the areas, may well be exploited by terrorists to take up residence in the midst of ordinary citizen and thus, increase the exposure to terrorism.  There is no gainsaying the fact the planned development of Gidan Daya as an alternative settlement for the residents of the Nyanya camp will for the most part be anchored on the land swap policy.
While it is to be understood that the relocation of Nyanya has become a matter of strategic imperative, the administration needs to be reminded to follow due process and ensure that all due legitimate compensations are settled to avoid acrimony and wasteful litigation. it must ensure that this action too is  must reflect its vision, values, goals and character of justice and fairness and in this exercise also, it is essential to balance economic growth  with both community desires and environmental stewardship as the new settlement must truly reflect an improvement in the housing mess that the Nyanya camp metamorphosed into.
In this connection, the minister must match words with action to ensure that the Gitata- Abuja Road is made a reality to lessen the burden of traffic congestion and ease the economic activities of the occupation of the new areas.
The citizens too, it is hoped will understand government’s intention and cooperate in the project to ensure the attainment of the splendid future of the FCT.

Musa Wada, [email protected]