Remebering the 18th Sultan of Sokoto Alh. Ibrahim Dasuki (1923-2016)

On November 14th, 2016 (that is three years ago) Nigeria lost former Sultan of Sokoto, Ibrahim Dasuki a revered Islamic leader, pillar, diplomat and great – great son of Usmanu Danfodio. The indelible imprints and legacies he bequeathed are still quite visible for future references, while his contributions towards the development of Islam, human development […]

Remebering the 18th Sultan of Sokoto Alh. Ibrahim Dasuki (1923-2016)
Remebering the 18th Sultan of Sokoto Alh. Ibrahim Dasuki (1923-2016)

On November 14th, 2016 (that is three years ago) Nigeria lost former Sultan of Sokoto, Ibrahim Dasuki a revered Islamic leader, pillar, diplomat and great – great son of Usmanu Danfodio. The indelible imprints and legacies he bequeathed are still quite visible for future references, while his contributions towards the development of Islam, human development are still fresh within the annals of memory. The mere mention of his name would indeed evoke nostalgic feelings among the multitude of people within Nigeria and outside. As a matter of fact, his exit had created a huge vacuum yet to be filled since his departure.

When he was chairman of the Nigerian Railway Corporation where he championed a policy of decentralization and the creation of district offices, he made Nigerian local government administration unified in 1976  through Dasuki local government  reform. He was a member of the 1977 constituent Assembly and contributed towards Nigeria becoming a  member of the Organization of Islamic countries (OIC), and also contributed towards completion of the Sultan Abubakar III central juma’at mosque in Sokoto and jama’atu Nasarul  Islam headquarters in Kaduna,  National Mosque Abuja and Mashood Abiola Central Mosque Ijebu ode. He upgraded the Sokoto Orphanage Home and modernized the sultanate palace. He introduced salary allowances for the chief Imams and deputies of the jumu’at mosque in Sokoto State and also made an unexpected visit in Jakarta in Indonesia for (OIC) Meeting  and completed  the compilation of Islamic literature and logical work by the founding fathers of Sokoto Caliphate and disciples. In addition he made Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto to be the center for organizing Quranic recitation competition in the global fora.

May Allah (SWT) make his grave one of the best gardens of Paradise.


Bello Shehu Shuni

[email protected]