Remembering Alhaji Mukaila, a dad and friend like no other

  Daddy, yesterday made it 365 days since you left us in this sinful world, but the  memories remain as fresh as a green field. You were such a wonderful father that placed his children above any other thing, no matter how important. You brought us all up well and for that we are most […]

Remembering Alhaji Mukaila, a dad and friend like no other


Daddy, yesterday made it 365 days since you left us in this sinful world, but the  memories remain as fresh as a green field. You were such a wonderful father that placed his children above any other thing, no matter how important. You brought us all up well and for that we are most grateful to you and to Allah, for bringing us to this world through you.


If I was asked to choose a father again, I’d choose you again and again as you were the best dad in the world. I miss you every day as time goes by, sometimes I cry unconsciously whenever I remember the good times we  shared as a family. Even as I write this tribute to you, tears are flowing freely from my eyes because there was no sign that you were about to leave us as you were someone that was full of life.


The memories of the incident which eventually led to your death are still very fresh in my mind. On that fateful day you had the accident, I took ill and had to leave the office at about noon because I was too weak. I took permission and went home to rest, but on reaching home, I got a call from my cousin’s wife who told me with a sorrowful voice that a call had just reached her husband that you were involved in a motor accident along Kubwa -Gwarimpa expressway and had been taken to the National Hospital. I immediately dashed down to the hospital, praying that Allah should spare your life. On reaching the hospital, I rushed to the Accident and Emergency unit where I asked after you with the hope that I wouldn’t be told that you were dead already, and luckily, I was told that you were alive but had been taken to the Trauma Centre unit of the hospital.


I immediately dashed down there, almost being knocked down by a car within the hospital premises, and on reaching there, I met some good Samaritans who narrated to me how you were knocked off the bridge while driving in your car by one of the pilot vehicles of the Ebonyi State governor’s convoy as they ascended the bridge that connects to the Katampe extension along the Kubwa -Gwarimpa expressway. I quickly rushed to the ward to check you and you recognised me immediately even as your neck was stiff and you couldn’t feel your legs.


I almost broke down but i had to be strong for you, myself, my cousin and other family members. We followed you to everywhere you were being transferred within the hospital either for scans or other medications. We all stood on our feet consulting one doctor or the other on your condition. That night, I had that feeling that you wanted to talk to me from the look on your face but it wasn’t possible because there was oxygen fixed on your nose to enable you to breathe properly.


The last time I saw you alive was at about 30 minutes after midnight when the doctor, after stitching the wound on your lips, read out to me your city scan result which you had soon after you were rushed to the hospital, saying you had a crack behind your neck which may have affected your spinal cord, adding that we should get you ready for an MRI scan by morning before I was asked to leave the ward so you could get some sleep.


As I walked away, you kept looking at me until I reached the door. That was my last moment with you. I still regret going home that night because I was too weak to remain in the hospital till the next day. I was asked to leave. I drove home at about 2:00am, leaving my younger brother, Abdullahi, behind at the entrance of the ward to remain with you till morning so I could take over from him before my older siblings arrived Abuja from their various destinations.


 That night I couldn’t sleep. I cried all through, praying to God to keep you alive for us as you were the only surviving parent we had. I called Abdullahi immediately after saying my morning prayers and was told that you were already awake and had asked after me.


To Allah be the glory, your time was up that early hour and you finally closed your eyes. “Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi raji’un”, from Allah we came and to him we shall return. I got to the hospital not less than five minutes after a call from my brother only to realize you were no more, you were already gone. I broke down but still had the courage to ask the doctors to open your face let me pray for your soul that Allah should make aljanna be your final abode and after that I started calling my siblings and relatives one after the other to relate the sad news.


Even till today, the people responsible for the accident which took your life never showed up or even made any attempt to contact us but instead denied knocking you off the bridge into a ditch, but as Muslims, we have accepted our faith and left everything in the hands of Allah to judge.


I miss you every day, we all miss you every day  and it pains me that you wouldn’t be around to give out my hands in marriage but I am consoled when I remember that Allah is watching over us. For any occurrence in our lives, we say Alhamdullillahi…… continue to rest in the bosom of Allah.