Remembering Audrey Cowley: Mother, missionary in Jos school

Students in Baptist High School, Jos from 1961 to 1976 will be more devastated on reading the news of the passing onto glory of their second mother, Mrs Audrey Cowley, the wife of the principal, The Rev Dr W. A. Cowley, and co-founder of the school. The sad event took place on Friday, December 11, […]

Remembering Audrey Cowley: Mother, missionary in Jos school

Audrey Cowley

Students in Baptist High School, Jos from 1961 to 1976 will be more devastated on reading the news of the passing onto glory of their second mother, Mrs Audrey Cowley, the wife of the principal, The Rev Dr W. A. Cowley, and co-founder of the school. The sad event took place on Friday, December 11, 2020, at Barmingham, Alabama in the United States of America.

Born on August 2, 1927, 93 years ago, in Pesacola County, USA to the family of Lieutenant  Colonel William T. Evans,  Mrs Cowley received her  bachelor’s degree in Mathematics  from Florida State University and later proceeded and got her MRE (Masters in Religious Education) from the South Western Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, before coming to Nigeria.

Mrs Cowley’s commitment to the progress of Baptist School, Jos and the welfare of students cannot be overemphasized, especially by those of us who were there at the time. She was, in addition, the school secretary, organist and a remarkable house wife. A real “candle in the wind” would have been the best phrase to ascribe to her by the students of that period. My beloved 1965-1969 set can subscribe to this assertion.

She and her husband shared a special bond in administering the school and making in us know who we were and where we came from, as well as be satisfied with the little we had.

Indeed, the late Audrey Cowley lived a transparent and fruitful life, significantly impacting positively on many lives during her sojourn in Nigeria, especially in Baptist High School, Jos.

Philip Dada, an old student of the school, aptly captured the scenario in his short tribute, “She and Cowley shaped our lives to be what many of us are today, to the glory of God almighty. Thank you Audrey Cowley, rest in the bosom of the Lord,”

Equally, a joint eulogy by some pioneer students, including Prof Timothy Olagbemiro, Dr Amos Olaleye, Segun Lawoyin, Oyeniyi, an engineer and Ojediran, also an engineer, points to the fact that her life was well spent in the service of God and humanity.

“She was a teacher, mother, pastor and missionary who touched the lives of everyone who came across her, particularly all of us, her children and her students.”

Yes, it was really a privilege to receive secondary education under the tutelage of this American couple. The moral orientation they impacted on one is enough to make one live a better and happy life on this planet.

Dr and Mrs Cowley came to Nigeria as missionaries of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1955 and began work in the Baptist Academy, Lagos. Thereafter, they moved to Jos to establish a Baptist Boys’ High School. The school was established in 1961 and has been operating since then.

May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace, and may the good Lord grant her husband, two daughters, Karen and Carol and other relatives the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss, amen.

David Nzitiri writes from Maiduguri.