Renewed Hope for Nigeria: A pathway to effective leadership

Dear Bola Ahmed Tinubu,  Congratulations on your imminent inauguration as the President of Nigeria. As you embark on this crucial journey, entrusted with the hopes and aspirations of millions of Nigerians, it is essential to reflect on the responsibilities that lie ahead. Your campaign slogan, “Renewed Hope,” resonated deeply with the people, signifying their desire […]

Renewed Hope for Nigeria: A pathway to effective leadership
Renewed Hope for Nigeria: A pathway to effective leadership

Dear Bola Ahmed Tinubu, 

Congratulations on your imminent inauguration as the President of Nigeria. As you embark on this crucial journey, entrusted with the hopes and aspirations of millions of Nigerians, it is essential to reflect on the responsibilities that lie ahead. Your campaign slogan, “Renewed Hope,” resonated deeply with the people, signifying their desire for a better future. In this open letter, I would like to offer some pieces of advice. 

As a leader, it is imperative that you surround yourself with a team of competent individuals who possess diverse perspectives and skills. “The Team of Rivals” vividly portrays Abraham Lincoln’s ability to form a cabinet comprising his political adversaries, leading to effective governance during a tumultuous period. Emulating this approach could foster healthy debates, constructive criticism and collaborative decision-making, ultimately benefiting the Nigerian people. 

John Lewis Gaddis’ “On Grand Strategy” emphasises the importance of crafting a comprehensive and long-term vision for the nation. This book encourages leaders to analyse complex challenges, identify their goals, and formulate strategies that consider both short-term wins and long-term sustainability. By adopting a holistic perspective, you can steer Nigeria towards economic growth, social development, and political stability. 

“Jacinda Ardern: Leading with Empathy” showcases the leadership style of New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, who prioritises empathy, compassion, and inclusivity. In a diverse country like Nigeria, fostering unity and understanding is crucial. By listening to the concerns of all citizens, promoting inclusivity and implementing policies that address the needs of marginalised groups, you can build a society that thrives on empathy and unity. 

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Lee Kuan Yew’s “From Third World to First” chronicles Singapore’s remarkable transformation under his visionary leadership. This book underscores the importance of good governance, efficient public administration, and a strong commitment to combating corruption. By prioritising transparency, accountability, and meritocracy, you can lay the foundations for Nigeria’s economic growth, attract foreign investment, and promote a fair and just society. 

“My Vision” by Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum provides insights into the leadership principles that transformed Dubai into a global hub for business and innovation. His emphasis on innovation, education, and empowering the youth played a pivotal role in the city’s success. You can draw inspiration from this book to foster an environment that encourages entrepreneurship, invests in quality education, and empowers the younger generation to become active contributors to Nigeria’s growth. 

In addition to these invaluable lessons, I urge you to focus on some critical aspects during your tenure. Firstly, prioritise the fight against corruption, ensuring that all corrupt individuals are held accountable, irrespective of their positions or affiliations. Implement measures that promote transparency, strengthen institutions, and provide robust legal frameworks to combat corruption effectively. 

Secondly, invest in infrastructure development and diversification of the economy. By prioritising infrastructure projects, such as road networks, power generation, and digital connectivity, you can unlock Nigeria’s vast potential and attract both local and international investors. Additionally, promote sectors beyond oil and gas, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology, to build a more resilient and diversified economy. 

Thirdly, place a strong emphasis on education and skill development. Provide accessible and quality education at all levels, ensuring that young Nigerians are equipped with the necessary skills for the modern job market. Empower universities and vocational institutions to produce graduates who can drive innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. 

Lastly, engage in effective diplomacy and regional cooperation. Strengthen relationships with neighbouring countries, foster partnerships with global powers, and actively contribute to regional stability and development. By pursuing a balanced foreign policy, you can leverage Nigeria’s position to address regional challenges and advocate for the interests of the African continent on the global stage.  

In conclusion, Mr. President, the journey that lies ahead will undoubtedly be challenging, but with renewed hope and determined leadership, Nigeria can achieve remarkable progress. Embrace the lessons from these books and forge a path that embodies integrity, inclusivity, and effective governance. The Nigerian people have placed their trust in you, and it is your duty to honour that trust by working tirelessly to uplift the nation.  

Wishing you a successful and transformative tenure as the President of Nigeria. 


Abdulrauf Aliyu, 45 Ashiru Road, U/Dosa New Extension, Kaduna 

[email protected]