Resisting temptation

Our daily lives are shrouded by various temptations forcing us to choose between a lesser and a greater good. As we meet and overcome each temptation in life we are strengthened. Each temptation successfully overcomed embolden one to meet and overcome still greater and tougher things in life. Temptation has roots in selfishness. Temptation which […]

Resisting temptation
Resisting temptation

Our daily lives are shrouded by various temptations forcing us to choose between a lesser and a greater good. As we meet and overcome each temptation in life we are strengthened. Each temptation successfully overcomed embolden one to meet and overcome still greater and tougher things in life. Temptation has roots in selfishness.

Temptation which exposes our human imperfections leads to embarrassment which is harder to endure. To struggle courageously against temptation is one of the most meritorious acts we can perform. Once we have triumphed with the help of our Almighty and sincere minds, we can equally succeed over and over again. This is not to say that temptation comes and goes very easily, it comes with its price and can lower you, even if temporarily, to the deepest and most devastating level in life. Sticking principles and courage will help you become victorious.

The most common temptations in our lives manifest themselves not in the form of ugly demons, but as attractive shortcuts and things we enjoy doing. Temptations come in the form of easy money, easy dignity, easy manoeuvring and easy power amongst other things. Nevertheless we must be prepared to face temptations and be ready to deal with then whenever they come.

We must realise that temptations do not come directly from the Almighty Himself, rather He allows us to be tempted by enemies, friends and even our desires, yet at the same time He gives us the grace and strong will to be able to resist whatever form it so presents itself to us.

Another damaging type of temptation is man’s thirst for praise to feed the vanity in his mind. Pride, envy are some of its branches. Temptation is a test. It demonstrates that we have certain weaknesses; it is a test which we either pass or fail.

Temptation makes us realise the areas in our lives that need improvement. If we yield to temptation, it is in a way showing us, through these circumstances, that we have certain weaknesses that need to be addressed.

One has a tendency to continue in his bad habit once he has fallen prey to temptation. This process often begins rather innocuously, or so it would seem, but as time goes on, we literally become enslaved to it unless we take hold of our lives, otherwise; things generally go from bad to worse, until we are faced by the consequences.

In this life, temptation is inevitable, but our prayer is that God will provide the wisdom to recognize it and give us the strength necessary to resist it when it comes. So face the temptations that cross your path, don’t allow it to control your life. The decision is yours though!