Respecting people’s right not to like you

Aisha Ahmed, 38, Banker: “If people don’t like you, well I have one question. Are they entitled to like you? Are they obliged to like you? I wonder why people take things too seriously when it comes to human relations. If someone does not like you, why worry over it. They have only helped you […]

Respecting people’s right not to like you

Aisha Ahmed, 38, Banker: “If people don’t like you, well I have one question. Are they entitled to like you? Are they obliged to like you? I wonder why people take things too seriously when it comes to human relations. If someone does not like you, why worry over it. They have only helped you solve part of your problems by eliminating one of the stumbling blocks in your life. Its good riddance to bad rubbish.”

Amina Tahir, 40, Lawyer: “When people show clearly that they don’t like you, that is when maturity and wisdom should set in. we are humans and not everyone would like us. People have rights and some of their rights include not liking everyone. Yes, you heard right, we need to start accepting the right and choice of people not to like us. There should be no fuss about it, we should quit seeking the affection of others and be content with those who like us for who we are and should not hold anything against those that don’t like you. Have we ever heard of the saying about keeping your circle small? Stick to it and life will be easy for all.”

Adebisi Leke, 40, Medical Practitioner: “People will always dislike you: it happens even among siblings. People expect you to live the way they want and once you resist, they automatically dislike you. Therefore, it’s better for people to dislike you for who you are and what you stand for rather than like you for what you are not. You can never please everyone, be yourself, be kind to all and stay close to those who like you.” 

Charles Oke, 40, Accountant: “Life is generally complicated, you win some and you lose some. We can’t have everything in life. We are humans and it’s unrealistic to think that everyone would like us. Our personal opinions and expectations can never be the same with everyone. The earlier we realise we are connected in different ways the better.”

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