Restoring the glory of Arewa: A call for unity and progress

Arewa, once a thriving and harmonious region, is now plagued by divisions, violence and crippling lack of progress. We have forgotten the values that once made us proud children of this great land – values of peace, unity and unwavering commitment to the common good. It is time for us to awaken from our slumber […]

Restoring the glory of Arewa: A call for unity and progress

Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF)

Arewa, once a thriving and harmonious region, is now plagued by divisions, violence and crippling lack of progress. We have forgotten the values that once made us proud children of this great land – values of peace, unity and unwavering commitment to the common good. It is time for us to awaken from our slumber and rebuild Arewa with the same love and dedication that our ancestors bestowed upon it. 

In the past, Arewa embraced diversity with open arms. We cherished our cultural differences as a source of strength and pride. Religion and ethnicity were never barriers that divided us; instead, they were threads that wove together the rich tapestry of our land. Foreigners were not seen as outsiders, but as brothers and sisters to be welcomed and supported. 

What has caused this rift in our once peaceful motherland? Why are we forsaking love for hate, truth for lies? The indigene-settler crises and religious conflicts tearing us apart are self-inflicted wounds that serve no purpose other than to tear at the very fabric of our society. We must ask ourselves, what do we hope to achieve by choosing violence and division over peace and unity? 

 Our negligence has left our land barren and impoverished. Arewa, once renowned for its vast arable lands and abundant resources, now harbours a population plagued by hunger, homelessness, and hopelessness. The potential for growth and prosperity lies before us, yet we squander it with shortsighted actions and lack of vision for the future. 

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We, the children of this soil, bear the burden of blame. Have we taken a moment to reflect on the consequences of our actions? We have lost so much while gaining so little. Our region, blessed with an abundance of human capital, fertile land, and mineral resources, is ironically one of poorest in terms of education and development. We have become a cautionary tale of wasted potential. 

 There is hope, however, if we choose to seize it. We must awake from our slumber and restore the glory of our beautiful Arewa, the place we call home. Our diversity should be celebrated as a source of strength, not exploited to fuel division and hatred. It is time to put aside our grievances, and begin a new chapter marked by unity, progress and shared responsibility. 

Building someone else’s territory will never be as fulfilling as building our own. We must concentrate our efforts on our homeland, where our roots are deeply planted. Together, we can move forward and make progress. This is a task that falls not only on our leaders and rulers but also on each and every one of us. We all are responsible for the destiny of our motherland. 

Let us reclaim the qualities that once defined us – peaceful coexistence, selflessness, humanity and benevolence. We must work together, setting aside personal interest and prejudices, to address the vital issues that have held us back for far too long. It is time to choose peace over crises, unity over division. 

May the Almighty God guide us on this path towards restoring the glory of AREWA. Only through unity, resilience, and a shared commitment to our land can we overcome the obstacles that lie ahead. Let us remember our roots, and work together to build a brighter future for Arewa, for our children, and generations to come. 


Zainab Salisu Matori, CEO Matori Empowerment and Educational Support Foundation