Retrogression in Nigerian politics

Most Nigerian politicians share similarities with the butterfly;

Retrogression in Nigerian politics
Retrogression in Nigerian politics

Most parties in Nigeria are built on varied reasons glued together for the sole purpose of capturing and retaining power, but not the art of building and sustaining a virile society.

Most Nigerian politicians share similarities with the butterfly; they want to taste all the flowers available on the political ground but have no political ideology to pursue. They move like the wind with no definite direction; there is no politics of integrity in this country. Most politicians only follow the path where their riches can multiply without concern for the society.

This is why they are adept at jumping from one party to another for their selfish interests without any explanation to their supporters, because in the Nigerian context, the voting majority live with slave mentality and are used to the excessive acts of godfathers in politics. My advice to Nigerians is that they need to know that most politicians of the 21st Century migrate from one party to another purposely for their selfish interests in search of electoral fortunes and to accomplish their electoral desires.

Bello Shehu Shuni [email protected]