‘Return to Qur’an is panacea for myriad problems’

Holding fast to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an is the panacea for myriad problems being faced by the Islamic Ummah at present, according to a Jeddah-based Indian scholar.  Addressing an Iftar meet at Lahore Gardens Restaurant auditorium on Tuesday, C.K. Muhammad Najeeb attributed the crises faced by the Muslim Ummah to the failure in […]

‘Return to Qur’an is panacea for myriad problems’
‘Return to Qur’an is panacea for myriad problems’

Holding fast to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an is the panacea for myriad problems being faced by the Islamic Ummah at present, according to a Jeddah-based Indian scholar. 

Addressing an Iftar meet at Lahore Gardens Restaurant auditorium on Tuesday, C.K. Muhammad Najeeb attributed the crises faced by the Muslim Ummah to the failure in fulfilling their obligations as the best society raised up for the entire humanity through enjoining good and forbidding evil. 

“At present, the plight of Muslims has reached the level of losing their awe and dignity among other members of the society. They have become the most misunderstood society in the world,” he said while underlining the need for presenting the true image of Islam and confronting the malicious campaign being unleashed against the divine religion.

Najeeb called on Muslims to restore the glory of Islam and Muslims through returning to the Holy Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet (SAW). (Saudi Gazette)