Reverts: Is it better to live in a Muslim country?

Still a Different CultureIt is important to take into consideration that even though it is a Muslim country where the majority is Muslim (supposed to be) living according to the Quran and the Sunnah, it is still a different culture with different customs and mentality.  Like if you are a punctual person, you like cleanliness […]

Reverts: Is it better to live in a Muslim country?
Reverts: Is it better to live in a Muslim country?

Still a Different Culture
It is important to take into consideration that even though it is a Muslim country where the majority is Muslim (supposed to be) living according to the Quran and the Sunnah, it is still a different culture with different customs and mentality.  Like if you are a punctual person, you like cleanliness and you love to organize every minute of your day (as I used to do), you will definitely have many problems to get used to living in Egypt, where things are usually not on time, people like to be more spontaneous than organized and where chaos dominates the roads.
If you love nature, to go for riding a bicycle in the forest, to take a walk along the river and just to enjoy being far from the crowd, …etc. well, you can’t do basically any of these things in Cairo because the city is so polluted. In the summer you don’t really feel going out from the air-conditioned home or workplace, because the weather is just unbearably hot, no nature, no forest, just the endless sand dunes of the Sahara (which is very beautiful actually).
Put Everything on a Scale
You can say now that these are not hard things to sacrifice for Islam; you live in a land where no one bothers you because of your religion (especially after all these attacks happened in the West you certainly feel this way) where your kids face lessfitnah and have the opportunity for a more Islamic education because MashAllahEgypt is full of lectures of knowledgeable sheikhs, Quran lessons in almost every mosque, and the many Arabic centers you can improve yourself.
But facing new things continuously each and every day which you haven’t met before can be tough; you need to always remember why you are there, what was your main intention.  And the most important thing to look on the bright side of life; take the weird things as tests or even as adventures and focus on the many positive things, the opportunities, Allah has blessed you with.