Rice revolution and lack of data

One of the issues bedevilling government programmes and policies in Nigeria is lack of authentic and reliable statistical data. That is why it is difficult to plan and formulate policies that are practicable and implementable. Even when the policies are put in place, along the implementation line, there is bound to be a breakdown. This […]

Rice revolution and lack of data

Paddy rice market at Bunza in Kebbi State

One of the issues bedevilling government programmes and policies in Nigeria is lack of authentic and reliable statistical data. That is why it is difficult to plan and formulate policies that are practicable and implementable. Even when the policies are put in place, along the implementation line, there is bound to be a breakdown. This is, therefore is the problem of rice revolution in Nigeria.

Rice has been the major staple food in Nigeria, where almost every household consumes it irrespective of culture, religion or geo-political variation. But still there is no record or statistical data on the quantity of rice that is consumed annually in the country. Similarly, a reliable record of the quantity that is produced locally is non-existent.

This record is necessary for government to plan how to ensure the availability of rice in the local markets to cater for the local demand.

Now nobody can tell whether the local production is sufficient to satisfy local consumption, or not.

Meanwhile, these records will enable the government to take measures to make up for the local demand if there is deficit. This can be achieved through a regulated import in which the quantity and the quality of the imported rice can be controlled. This also will stabilise the prices so that majority of the local consumers can afford it, without neglecting the local producers’ profit. This measure can also curtail the illegal importation through unapproved routes.

Most of the smuggled rice is not safe for human consumption as it  is either treated with carcenogenic chemicals, or has overstayed to lose its original quality. And this can compromise the health of the consumers.

Meanwhile, the data  will indicate the aspect of production that needs federal government’s intervention, and where the states and local governments should come in.

But now in the absence of this information, all the estimates and budgetary allocations for rice production are based on fictitious and unreliable assumptions, and are bound to fail. They say failure to plan is planning to fail.

Usman Aliyu Elnafaty, Fadamar Jaji Bauchi