Rights activists kick against Beijing’s DNA profiling

International opposition is growing against Beijing for DNA profiling of people in Tibet and Xinjiang, according to Tibet Press. China is said to be running two special demographic profiling campaigns which have attracted international attention and opposition from the human rights groups and political leaders of Europe and USA. One campaign is about mass scanning […]

Rights activists kick against Beijing’s DNA profiling
Rights activists kick against Beijing’s DNA profiling

International opposition is growing against Beijing for DNA profiling of people in Tibet and Xinjiang, according to Tibet Press.

China is said to be running two special demographic profiling campaigns which have attracted international attention and opposition from the human rights groups and political leaders of Europe and USA.

One campaign is about mass scanning of irises of people in the Qinghai province and the other is about mass Blood sampling of Tibetan people for their DNA profiling.

On the face of it these campaigns may look like any other public health related programs which are common in most of the countries.

In a letter, signed jointly by MPs from countries including USA, the European Union, Canada, UK, Switzerland, Ukraine, Czech Republic and New Zealand, they have called upon their governments to investigate and suspend business activities with companies supplying the PRC government with biometric surveillance technology which are being used in East Turkistan (Ch: ‘Xinjiang’) and Tibet. These MPs are members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC).

Human Right Watch, a prominent action group, had earlier reported that PRC authorities have been conducting a mass DNA collection program in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) since 2016 and it has already covered a third of Tibetan population which includes children also.

The US government has already included in its sanction-list the PRC-State funded gene firm BGI Group for participating in a similar DNA collection campaign in Xinjiang in 2020.

American company Thermo Fisher is known for supplying DNA profiling kits to Chinese police in TAR.

The inclusion of modern medicine tools like DNA profiling and iris scanning at mass levels has given rise to fears of using these tools to further promote China’s inhuman international business of forcibly harvested human organs.

This multi-billion dollar business, patronized by senior communist leaders and top military brass of PLA has gained extraordinary momentum since 1999 when erstwhile President Jiang Zemin unleashed his campaign to crush the fast spreading movement of Falun Gong, a spiritual movement whose followers practice Yoga like health exercises and abstain from vices like alcohol and smoking.

In the following years the human organs, harvested from executed political ‘criminals’ and Falun Gong prisoners finally lead to an organized and nationwide flourishing medical ‘business.’

This business is based on the database of DNA and blood profiles of the people living in official and undeclared jails of the CCP.

In a recently held international webinar on “Forcibly Harvesting of Human Organs in China” by the Centre for Himalayan Asia Studies and Engagement of New Delhi,Dr. EnverTohtiBughda, an exiled medical doctor of Uygur origin testified and gave gory details of how a nationwide databank of Blood and DNA profile of prisoners is used to provide perfectly matching organs to patients from rich western and Gulf countries on an as short notice as four hours.

“While patients needing liver or kidney transplant may have to wait for months or years and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in a country like America, there are Chinese hospitals who offer a matching organ within four hours of admission and for only a few thousand dollars,” he said.

Ms. Jennifer Zeng, popular for her YouTube channel “Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng” used to be a researcher at a top ranking research centre of the State Council of PRC before she escaped and settled in the USA.

As a devoted Falun Gong practitioner she is now a leading activist against forced harvesting of human organs. She gave an example of an American patient who was on the long waiting list of a leading heart transplant institute.

One day this patient surprised his doctor by telling him that he was going to China where his heart transplant surgery had been scheduled on a specific day.

“The doctor had the shock of his life when the patient returned home after having his transplant in China on the prescheduled date. Since the human heart cannot survive outside the human body beyond very few hours, so it must have been a live ‘donor’ with perfectly matching and pre-tested blood profile who had been left to die after his heart was taken out and transplanted in this patient,” she said as quoted by Tibetpress.com.

But it would be recalled that China has denied the allegations of organ harvesting when the issue came to the fore in 2021 after some UN Human Rights experts brought up the issue.