Rising cost of food

A recent visit to a Nigerian market revealed that the prices of most food items have increased astronomically. Life has become increasingly difficult for the masses…

Rising cost of food
Rising cost of food

One cannot think, work, sleep and do anything well if one does not eat well.

A recent visit to a Nigerian market revealed that the prices of most food items have increased astronomically. Life has become increasingly difficult for the masses, especially the low salary earners and the unemployed.

A market survey showed that a bag of satchet (pure) water which was previously sold between N100 and N150 now goes for N200 and N250 or more. A pack of spaghetti which sold around N180 now sells for N340, a 25-litre of palm oil that was sold between N10,000 and N14,000, now sells for up to N19,000.

This relentless price hike is disturbing many citizens with limited budget. It also adds to the stress and frustration of many people thereby making life unbearable for them. It is distressing to see that foodstuff and other household essentials cost more by the day, and that taxes and utility bills of all kinds keep increasing. Something drastic needs to be done as hunger is biting hard in the land.

 Abdullahi Adamu can be reached via [email protected].