Rockefeller Foundation opens 100 cities

Announced in May, the Challenge is part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s $100 million commitment to building urban resilience in cities around the world. Over the next three years, the foundation will select 100 cities to become a part of a 100 Resilient Cities Network and provide them access to the technical expertise and resources needed […]

Rockefeller Foundation opens 100 cities
Rockefeller Foundation opens 100 cities

Announced in May, the Challenge is part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s $100 million commitment to building urban resilience in cities around the world.
Over the next three years, the foundation will select 100 cities to become a part of a 100 Resilient Cities Network and provide them access to the technical expertise and resources needed to create and implement resilience strategies on a city-wide scale.
“With 75 percent of people expected to live in cities by 2050, it is more important than ever that these urban centers are able to withstand shocks and stresses – natural, climate-driven and man-made – and bounce back more quickly,” said Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin.
“The Rockefeller Foundation has been on the front lines of urban resilience for nearly a decade, and we look forward to applying our expertise and investment to help more cities weather and emerge stronger from the challenges of our 21st century world.”