Role of mosque in Islam and the society (III)

The Masjid is a place for meeting, consultation and exchanging views: Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, among others, reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) consulted people in the Masjid about the Ijk (slander) event, when A’isha (R.A.) was slandered. The event concerns A’isha, the youngest wife of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), when some […]

Role of mosque in Islam and the society (III)
Role of mosque in Islam and the society (III)

The Masjid is a place for meeting, consultation and exchanging views: Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, among others, reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) consulted people in the Masjid about the Ijk (slander) event, when A’isha (R.A.) was slandered. The event concerns A’isha, the youngest wife of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), when some people accused her of bad conduct. Allah (SWT) then revealed a verse of the Qur’an clearing her name and laying down a rule that whoever accuses a woman of a bad conduct (e.g. fornication or adultery), they must produce witnesses, otherwise the accusers will be punished. The Mosque is therefore a meeting place and a council which never closes, neither on a public holiday nor on any other day. The Mosque binds people from all walks of life united together in one Islamic community.
The Masjid is a Place for Worship for All: The prescribed prayers, Salatul-Jama ‘a, are held in the Mosque, and from it the call of Allah (SWT) is initiated. It is a major worship centre where the learned scholars hold study circles, debates and talks on the sciences of Qur’an, hadith, fiqh and the Arabic language. The five prescribed daily prayers are held in the Masjid. This is a desirable action, and people meet in there united by the love of Allah (SWT) and in obedience to Him (SWT). Allah (SWT) says, “Those that turn (to Allah) in repentance, those that serve Him, and praise Him, those that wander in devotion to the Cause of Allah, those that bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer, those that enjoin good and forbid evil and observe the limits set by Allah (these do rejoice). “ (Q 9:112)
The Masjid is a Jami’a: The Mosque is a Jami’a holding the Jum’ah prayer, and popular gatherings of the Ummah are held daily in the mosque. In addition, the weekly Friday prayer which is compulsory upon male Muslims is an opportunity for Muslims to meet in a larger number and designed in order that the people can discuss the affairs of the Ummah and perform the obligatory Friday prayer. (See the book of AI-Fataw a, volume 35 page 39).
From the previous details, it is clear to us from the authentic evidence how the role of the Masjid was during the life of the Prophet (PBUH) and how it was during the rules of the Muslims Khalifahs after the Prophet (PBUH). The Masjid had a strong and effective role. With that, the Muslim society got stronger which led the Muslim Ummah to become the world leader. So, when we work toward improving the situation of the Muslim Ummah, we should consider reforming and revitalizing the position of the Masjid first and to empower the Masjid with its original role. This way, the Muslim Ummah gets better. And let’s remember that the Masajid belongs to Allah (SWT) and its He alone who has the authority to define the role for the Masjid to revive the whole humanity. Thus, the Masjid has a great position in the Muslim society just like the position of the heart in the body; if the heart is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and if the heart is sick, the whole body is sick.
The only activity that was forbidden in the Mosque in addition to the forbidden immoral acts was buying and selling and related things. The Prophet (PBUH) made it a point that mosques are not to be used for material gains. Thus, the numerous evidences highlighted above show that the Mosque plays many roles in Islam and is a “community place” that is full of all sorts of activities.

– From the book: ‘Mosque Management And It’s Roles In Muslim Worship’ by ASP Yaqub Alhassan, Imam Force Hqtrs Juma’at Mosque, Abuja