Roles of women in nation building: The Islamic perspective (I)

Hence, there is need for a woman to be educated and play her role well in nation building. The term role-implies a duty or an act to be performed by one. Who is a Muslim Woman?A Muslim woman is a unique kind of woman who submits to the will of the Almighty Allah, accepting Islam as a […]

Roles of women in nation building: The Islamic perspective (I)
Roles of women in nation building: The Islamic perspective (I)

Hence, there is need for a woman to be educated and play her role well in nation building.
 The term role-implies a duty or an act to be performed by one.
 Who is a Muslim Woman?
A Muslim woman is a unique kind of woman who submits to the will of the Almighty Allah, accepting Islam as a way of life. And nation building here implies actual participation in national project development or harnessing human resources for such programs or contributing towards enlightenment campaigns in areas of finance, health and education for the upliftment benefits of the society. Education here is very vital, because, before any meaningful development can occur, the populace have to move by the desire to change. The feeling of inadequacy comes only when the people area educated. Hence, the Rasul (SAW) says; it is binding upon every Muslim to acquire knowledge.
Knowledge, being a prerequisite for serving Allah:
In Islam, every aspect of life is prescribed for man, as such, one has to learn these roles for proper implementation in the light of the above. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said “the world is a provision and the best object of the world is a pious woman.” (Sahih Muslim). He further said; shall I not inform you about the least treasure a man can hoard? It is a pious wife who pleases him whenever he look towards her and who guards herself when he is absent from her (Sunan Abu Dawud, narrated by Abdullahi Abbas) the keyword in this hadith is pious (piety).
 How is this achieved? It is achieved through a good education in Islam, good morals and firm taqwa. Therefore, to say that a woman must be educated in other to be properly equipped to play her role in the society is not an overstatement.
 Hence Allah (SWT) says; Allah has raised to (suitable) rank and (degrees) those of you who have been granted knowledge Q58:11.
 The most important role for a woman is to be a good Muslim, living totally in conformity with tenets of Islam. This consequently makes her obedient to Allah, his messenger and her leaders. Islam demands truthfulness, and sincerity from her. She shuns malicious gossips and all forms of corruption and minds her own business.
Therefore, making the woman acquire a beautiful character that influences everyone she comes in contact with. A tradition of the messenger of Allah (SAW) says; A sign of one’s excellence in his Islam is to ignore what does not concern him (Ahmad).
 Gossip, backbiting and slander are forbidden. Hence, Allah warns in the Quran the surah Al Ma’un: Woe unto every slanderer and backbiter.
 It is the duty of the Muslim woman to stand by the truth, shunning dishonesty and falsehood. Keeping promises made, being chaste and wearing hijab is all part of her duties and character.
 Further most, she should be trustworthy.
 When a woman marries, the trust in her care becomes greater. Aside from maintaining her chastity, she is also entrusted with her husband’s house. The upbringing of children is another uphill task. Hence the Rasul (SAW) said; Each of you is a shepherd in the house of her husband. And she is responsible for her flock (Al-Bukhari).
 The world today and indeed Nigeria has become a jingle, youths have gone bonkers. Impatiently has become a virtue, the saying “the patient dog eats the fattest bone is now disregarded with contempt.
 The generation is going rotten before one’s very eyes, doing all forbidden acts, gambling, drinking alcohol, fornication, stealing, dealing in drugs and prostitution. As a result, crime and insecurity reigns supreme in the land, therefore, reducing growth rate, because resources that would have been used to promote other projects for the benefits of the nation and the masses are diverted to these heinous crimes.
The family structure is supposed to be very strong and all children being catered for. This does not only imply maternal but psychological provisions as well, children must be loved by their parents or guardians; they should be made to feel wanted. Teenage daughters must be given lots of love in the family or they will seek it outside.
 This often results in teenage unwanted pregnancy, abortions or outright prostitution. Boys should be kept out – do not assume that boys are strong and do not need love, they do, when you reject them and deny them the love and attention they require, and they are exposed to violence at home, e.g parents fighting each other, the children become psychologically shattered. As a result, they cannot perform well as school. They easily become gang members because they feel they belong to a group that cares about them. This results in taking drugs and alcohol, committing crimes – thereby becoming school dropouts. So parents, especially mothers are indirectly responsible for what their children becomes. This is part of the role of a woman in building the nation, when she nurture the men who are to be leaders of the nation, the society will be better.