Runaway prisoner, graduate robbers in police net

Emelewa, a native of  Ezinifite in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, was among nine other suspects paraded for various criminal offences by the police at its headquarters in Makurdi early this week.The commissioner of police, Benue State command, Hycinth Dagala alleged that Emelewa led an eight-man armed gang to trail one Matthew Agbasi […]

Runaway prisoner, graduate robbers in police net
Runaway prisoner, graduate robbers in police net

Emelewa, a native of  Ezinifite in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, was among nine other suspects paraded for various criminal offences by the police at its headquarters in Makurdi early this week.
The commissioner of police, Benue State command, Hycinth Dagala alleged that Emelewa led an eight-man armed gang to trail one Matthew Agbasi Onyenena, a major oil marketer, popularly referred to as CHICADEF in Mkar, Gboko while returning from work on September 30 at 7:50pm.
According to Dagala, while the unsuspecting oil magnet was about to enter his house, located opposite Iorychia Ayu Street, the armed men forced themselves in, and on gunpoint, ordered him to remain inside his Toyota Highlander jeep while they shot sporadically into the air around the compound to ward off external interference before speeding away with their victim.
But the police, who swung into action on receiving the information, later discovered the jeep in which Onyenena was whisked away. It was abandoned along Lessel Road in Ushongo Local Government Area.
The development, however, sparked off protests among petrol operators a day after, leading to scarcity of fuel in the town as the abductors of Onyenena, who is also the chairman of the Independent Oil Marketers in the state, placed an initial demand of N10 million for his release.
The police commissioner further explained that investigation into the matter was ongoing when a ransom of N15 million was paid to the kidnappers who held the victim captive for five days.
Dagala added that a follow-up of the investigation led to the arrest of the kidnap/robbery gang leader, Emelewa, who is said to have confessed to the crime and also mentioned his gang members at large.
The commissioner disclosed that the same gang leader had been on the police wanted list for escaping from Gboko Prison over an armed robbery charge.
Despite the items said to have been recovered from him, which included N937, 000 (suspected part of the ransom), one Honda CRV, one vehicle plate number and assorted GSM sim cards, Emelewa told journalists that the police swooped on him without cause.
“I visited one of my friends, Terso in Gboko. I was in his house when the police arrested me, but he (Terso) escaped. But I escaped from Gboko Prison early this year,” he said.
A similar incident occurred in Katsina-Ala axis of the state recently, but the kidnapped businessman was found dead on the bridge one week after his abduction.
In a similar vein, but unlike Emelewa, who declined detailed account of his involvement in the crime over which he was arrested, two graduate robbery suspects, who were also paraded by the police, attributed their action to the handiwork of the devil, saying, “We have repented and will never do it again.
The duo, Frank Likita of Ngenev community in Ukum Local Government Area and Charles Tume Shawon of North Bank, Makurdi, admitted to have armed themselves with guns and other dangerous weapons to attack a woman at her shop in Gboko.
They also agreed to have forcefully collected the sum of N437, 000 and two Tecno mobile phones valued at N40, 000 from their victim, Dorcas Danjuma of GRA, Gboko.
It was gathered that the alarm raised in the neighbourhood attracted stop- and-search police officers who saved the victim from further agony as they engaged the armed men on a hot chase. Shawon was immediately arrested while Likita, who escaped, was later apprehended in Ukum.
Answering questions from journalists at the police headquarters, Likita, a graduate of English from the University of Calabar, regretted his action, saying it was the first time he engaged in robbery. But his counterpart, a College of Education graduate, said they were both under a spiritual spell to commit the crime. They pleaded for leniency and promised never to engage in armed robbery again. They, however, blamed prolonged joblessness for their action.  
Also, Sesugh Shawon, a gun manufacturer in Kwande town of Kwande Local Government Area was among the suspected criminals paraded at the command headquarters in Makurdi.
Shawon admitted to have manufactured countless guns, which he sold to armed robbers at N30, 000. He, however, denied involvement in any robbery operation.
In another development, Iorngwe Mbakur of Day Spring Road in North Bank area of Makurdi is being held for conducting illegal abortion on Grace Achika, 22, who bled to death in his apartment.
Mbakur, who said he graduated as a nurse from the School of Nursing, Mkar in Gboko, disclosed that he had performed similar abortion on five other girls where he collected between N1500 and N2000 on each case.
Meanwhile, the police commissioner said the suspects would soon be charged to court. He assured people of the state of his determination to ensure a crime-free environment. Dagala advised members of the public to report suspected criminals, warning that anybody who takes laws into his hands would be dealt with accordingly.

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