Safiya Bello Adamu: Exit of a virtous lady

As a Muslim, she was God fearing, always eager to acquire more knowledge of her religion. All her actions were strictly guided by the teachings of Qur’an and Hadith. Throughout her life, she cautioned herself, her children    and other people around her on going against the teachings of Islam. To her husband, she wasn’t just […]

Safiya Bello Adamu: Exit of a virtous lady
Safiya Bello Adamu: Exit of a virtous lady

As a Muslim, she was God fearing, always eager to acquire more knowledge of her religion. All her actions were strictly guided by the teachings of Qur’an and Hadith. Throughout her life, she cautioned herself, her children    and other people around her on going against the teachings of Islam.

To her husband, she wasn’t just an ideal wife, but a perfect one that every man will wish to get; she was obedient, truthful, dutiful, caring and generous not only to her husband but   to her   siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors, house helps, colleagues and students.

To her mother she was obedient, loyal and at all times eager to please her in all the ways she can. Every blessed week, Sundays to be precise she visits Inna her mother, cleaned her room, provided her needs, discussed with her, gave her enough care and attention, accepted her advice and obeyed her commands.

To her siblings, though not the eldest, she was a strong pillar;  she played an exemplary leadership role. In her lifetime, she made every effort to keep the family united and committed to one another. Her wish and desire was the stability, comfort and happiness of each and every member of her immediate and extended family

To her children, she was a “super mum”, who gave her children both moral and financial support in the very best way she can, as well as sacrificing her comfort  just to bring a smile on their faces. She was a true disciplinarian who has never compromise in the upbringing of her children. During her lifetime, she was able to instill discipline, respect, fear of God, trustfulness, courage and hard work in them. ALHAMDULILLAH she has raised pious, ambitious and well disciplined children.

To her students, she was a committed teacher, who taught with passion and has always maintained mother – child relationship with her students. She was pleased when her students excelled and vice versa. She gave her students a listening ear by being not only their lecturer but also their guardian and friend.

To me she was a schoolmate, a friend,   colleague,   sister,   adviser,   counselor,   confident,   role model and   in-law. Every second of her life was very beneficial not only to me but to her friends, colleagues as well as her immediate and extended family members.

Safiya  was  a generous woman, who has passionate in assisting the less privileged within her community in the little way she can, despite her average income as a lecturer coupled with her matrimonial and other social responsibilities. During her lifetime, she was able to provide scholarship, medical assistance as well as other general needs to the less privileged in the society.

Her death was a great loss not only to her family, but to everyone who knew her.  It is said that “if our lives are not beneficial to others our death will be a loss to no one”. Indeed, her life was of immense benefit to humanity,  therefore, her death was a painful loss to the entire Muslim ummah.

She was born on February 6, 1960, attended the Unguwar Rimi Kaduna LEA Primary School from 1966 to 1968, Magwam Primary School, Kano  from 1969 to 1970, Shekara Girls Boarding Primary School, Kano from 1971 to 1973 and proceeded to the Queens College Lagos for  her secondary education between 1973 and 1977. She obtained her first and second degree certificates from the Bayero University Kano in Political Science and Public Policy and Administration in 1982 and 2005 respectively.

Government Girls College Dala Kano  was the school she started her teaching career in 1983 to 1986, transferred to the Kano Capital Boys School in 1983, and then to Kano Capital Girls  School in 1994 up to 2003 when she joined the services of the Hussain Adamu Federal Polytechnic, Kazaure. At the   polytechnic, she was appointed HOD IJMB ON  October 29, 2009 and re-appointed in October last year due to outstanding performance, a position she held up to the time she passed away.

She died on  January 4, 2012 and  survived by her husband Alhaji Bello Adamu (Ciroman Kazaure), aged mother, brothers, sisters, children and grand children

Safiya was a woman of substance, great and with exceptional qualities that are rare in today’s generation. The pain of losing “MAMA” as she was fondly called by her children cannot be expressed by words; the vacuum created can never be filled. However, I took consolation as a Muslim that every soul must taste death and the grave as our final destination holds no wealth but good deeds and that life of this world is nothing but deception; the hereafter is more promising and more lasting. May Allah forgive her sins; reward her with befitting abode in Aljanna Fiddaus. May we be able to emulate her good character, may her children be blessed with the same qualities she possessed. May Allah give us the fortitude to bear this great loss. Ameen.

Gaji   Bello Hussain (Mrs.) can be reached  at  [email protected]