Salute to Governor Kashim Shettima

”Fellow, and dear citizens of Borno State“In recent days and weeks, we have come under renewed and augmented attacks, waged against all of us, by an armed minority that seeks to impose on us, a doctrine that is completely at variance with the religion of Islam which they claim to promote; a doctrine that negates […]

Salute to Governor Kashim Shettima
Salute to Governor Kashim Shettima

”Fellow, and dear citizens of Borno State
“In recent days and weeks, we have come under renewed and augmented attacks, waged against all of us, by an armed minority that seeks to impose on us, a doctrine that is completely at variance with the religion of Islam which they claim to promote; a doctrine that negates the dignity and existence of humanity on earth, despite Allah’s decree in the glorious Quran, that He has dignified the human creature, prohibited unjust killings and made the religion of Islam that which does not sanction compulsion in a multi-faith society like ours.”
“Several innocent communities in Gwoza, Damboa, Askira/Uba, Marte, Chibok, Konduga, Dikwa and the most recent, Bama, have had young and old, amongst them children, weak old men and women, killed in cold blood, their homes destroyed and thousands forced to flee, with some trekking over hurtful distances to become refugees within and outside Borno State. Our Capital City of Maiduguri is today facing a heavy influx of refugees from the local government areas in Borno. Borno citizens have been forced to take refuge in parts of Gombe and Adamawa States mainly on account of man’s inhumanity to fellow man in the gratuitous name of religion. These acts are absolutely condemnable in the strongest of terms.”
“Let me use this opportunity to once again, extend my deepest sympathy to the families of all those who lost their lives in these serial massacres that are designed to send Borno and its people into oblivion, but which will not succeed insha Allah.”
“I also express my very deep sympathy to all victims who either lost property or are taking refuge. Our heart as Government is fully with each and every one of you and we will do everything humanly possible to support you, reclaim your communities, rebuild them and give all of you a new lease of life insha Allah.”
“We will be supporting you as a matter obligation to you as good citizens. You have a right to be supported in distress. You have even more fundamental right to be protected from fear and attack in the first place”
“The number one duty of Government is to safeguard the lives and property of the citizenry. However laudable policies and programmes of Government could be, no matter the beauty of infrastructures put in place, they would all amount to less than nothing if human lives are not secured. As Government, we are more than mindful of this constitutional, moral and spiritual obligation.”
“As Governor of Borno State, I am un-forgetfully aware that for every life that is lost in Borno State, I will account before Allah on the Day of Judgment if that life is lost on the basis of deliberate failures on my part, to do what I have the powers, resources and influence to do.”
“This administration has never and insha Allah will never abdicate from its obligations to citizens. We have done, and still doing everything within the limits of our powers and resources, to complement the duty of the Federal Government to safeguard lives and property.”
“Immaterial as it may sound, we have through combined efforts with the Military, the Nigeria Police Force, the Department of State Security; our youth volunteers called the civilian JTF and other para-military organizations averted so many planned attacks. However, this assertion will hardly make sense to most citizens, in a situation where many attacks have been successfully carried out with elevated mass killings and destructions in the past and in very recent days and weeks.”
“Citizens have very legitimate reasons to be aggrieved by the current situation in Borno State. We are pained as your Government. We are in this together. As Governor, I feel a sense of not just responsibility but an even personal loss whenever any attack is recorded no matter what part of the State is affected and who is or are involved.”
“Borno state has been facing this Boko Haram challenge since July 2009 in Maiduguri when the Boko Haram waged its major war on Borno’s soil. Haven been defended by our determined armed forces, insurgents resorted to guerrilla warfare that has been raging on for the last four years. At least one third of our local government areas have been affected by their attacks with different degrees of intensity and periodic occupation.”
“In the history of Borno since 19th century, this is however not the first threat to our existence as a people. We had faced and survived other threats in years past and we shall survive this, insha Allah.”
“We are confident of victory through a reinforcement of our armed forces and the collective will of all of us, citizens, who are committed to defeating the Boko Haram scourge. Collectively as a people, we have exhibited great determination. Our youth volunteers have made us proud. We are all in this, fellow citizens. We all have roles to play. One of these roles is the devoted offer of prayers and ceaseless appeal to the Almighty to make us victorious.”
“Our armed forces that have outstandingly proven their capability in such difficult times can by the grace Allah defeat the Boko Haram insurgency with overwhelming federal reinforcement in all areas of their needs. We strongly appeal to the federal government to redouble its present efforts so that the nation will be a historic witness to speedy containment of the Boko Haram insurgency.”
“With the steps (taken by the Federal Government) and our combined efforts as State Government and resilient people, we shall overcome this tribulation.”
I was greatly impressed by his example, and inspired by this speech. Very appropriate also are the additional steps Governor Kashim took which included Borno State Radio and Television coming up with programmes to help with mobilization and sensitization on security matters, Ministry of Home Affairs and Local Governments, and Chieftaincy Affairs making available public lines that can be reached by any victim from any affected local government area, Ministry of Health putting in place an immediate Mobile Task Force on Insurgency Victims Health that should be moving round Maiduguri and environs to source for and attend to the health needs of victims with the availability of drugs, ambulances and health personnel at all times along with other required materials.
His Government also taken measures to acquire food stuffs for free distribution to affected citizens, created a Victims Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Support Team to work with stakeholders in affected communities to assist victims on a permanent measure. He has also set in motion new policies on education (temporary schools in Biu and Maiduguri), rehabilitation and adoption of orphans and so on. He urged Borno citizens to be forthcoming “with useful information on what we hear or see because our safety starts with what we tell not what we keep or bury.”
Shettima clearly emerges as a commander preparing his people for all eventualities. This should be an example to others, including our Commander-in Chief. I am tempted to pick up a membership card of his party, since I have not joined any thus far. Governor Shettima has shown clear understanding that leadership is a trust. May God help him and the people of Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa, and indeed the Federal Republic. We will survive Boko Haram, and all those funding, conniving or in any way helping to fuel its’ murderous atrocities will be exposed with time. This we must all believe. Thank you, my brother, for standing with your people. May they learn to do the same.
And, Eng. Ali, thank you for sending me a copy of the speech, and safe return from that region where planes disappear without a trace.