Sarki Kabiru: Exit of a humble, generous emir

The death of Alhaji (Dr) Muhammad Kabir Umar, the eleventh Emir of Katagum, on December 9, 2017 was, to put it mildly, shocking. And this is in spite of the fact that death is an inevitable end for all of us. Where do you even start from? How do you cope with the loss of […]

Sarki Kabiru: Exit of a humble, generous emir

The death of Alhaji (Dr) Muhammad Kabir Umar, the eleventh Emir of Katagum, on December 9, 2017 was, to put it mildly, shocking. And this is in spite of the fact that death is an inevitable end for all of us. Where do you even start from? How do you cope with the loss of a man that you have known all your life, who raised you to the best of his abilities?

Then you remember his constant reminder to you to always put your trust in the Almighty Allah, even as you strive to do the right thing. And then you see the deluge of positive tributes paid by people from far and near, young and old, men and women whose lives he had touched in ways only they could explain. So you thank the Almighty for the good life that he lived.

Growing up, we were taught to respect people no matter their status. We were taught to take our education seriously and always remember that we will one day be called to account for our actions or inactions. We were encouraged when we do good, corrected when we make mistakes and reprimanded when we misbehave.

I will certainly never forget his generosity and compassion toward not only us his children, but all those who crossed his path. Sarki Kabiru, as he was affectionately called, was humble, amiable and noble. He was very honest and polite to everyone, but always called a spade by its name. These traits, we would come to learn, were qualities bequeathed to him by his late father Malam Umar Faruk, the 10th Emir of Katagum. On November 25, 1980 he was appointed as the 11th Emir of Katagum following the death of his father.

Sarki Kabiru was born in 1934 in Azare and was put on the path of knowledge at a very early age, starting with Qur’anic education, wisdom as well as Islamic philosophy. He studied in Azare Central School and, after graduating, proceeded to the then Bauchi Middle School from 1948 to 1949. He also attended the Clerical Training College Zaria (now Ahmadu Bello University Zaria) where he studied Local Government Administration. He was equally at the United Kingdom for further studies in LG Administration.  

He started his working career as a scribe with the then Native Authority (NA) at Azare Central Office in 1949. He was appointed councillor Katagum NA to supervise Natural Resources department. He was also Minister of State at the Premier’s Office, Kaduna from 1957 to 1960.

In the First Republic from 1960-1966 he was Minister of Internal Affairs, Northern Nigeria. He had earlier been elected into Northern House of Assembly from 1952-1966 during which he was appointed as Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Land and Survey. After the bloody coup led by Major Kaduna, which saw their government overthrown, he returned as Chairman of Bauchi State Housing Development Board from 1976-1978 and was also chairman Board of Governing Council for the College of Islamic and Legal Studies Misau 1986-2001. He was also at different times Pro Chancellor and chairman of Governing Council of Federal University of Technology Yola, Chancellor Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta and Chancellor University of Calabar between 1986 and December 2017 when he passed on after a protracted sickness.

In his condolence message, President Muhammadu Buhari expressed sadness over the death of the emir saying as a “former Minister of Internal Affairs and legislator in the Northern House of Assembly, in the First Republic, and later the Emir of Katagum, Alhaji Kabir Umar served the country diligently with honour and distinction.”

He also described him as a royal father, who upheld the culture and traditions of his people during his reign, adding that he will be long remembered and honoured for his “humility, dignity and profound contributions to national development.”

As an emir, he was a complete man of integrity and honour, complete man of simplicity. His people were very proud of him because of his sterling leadership qualities and exemplary patriotic spirits. His sense of humour was also excellent just as his commitment to what is good and honourable.

Indeed those who know the late emir closely will testify to his ability to carry the people along. He warmed his way to the hearts of the people with his kindness and generousity. The Katagum emirate under his watch maintained its revered status not only in Bauchi State, but the country as a whole.

It is our prayer that the Almighty Allah will also give us the ability to give our children the kind upbringing we were given. 

We will forever remain grateful to the Almighty Allah for granting our father long life through which he served the people. He was a father of 60, and a father figure to numerous others. The late Sarki Kabiru will find true rest. May Almighty Allah forgive his shortcomings and reward his good deeds. May He also grant him a spacious space in jannatul firdaus.

Mariya wrote in from Abuja.