Saving your relationship

In the case of marriage or courtship, it is important to observe the following  rules.Simply say thank you It is expected of every normal human being to do that. It is overlooked by many, no doubt, but do you know that “saying thank you” makes your partner feel good? It makes your relationship better and […]

Saving your relationship
Saving your relationship

In the case of marriage or courtship, it is important to observe the following  rules.
Simply say thank you
It is expected of every normal human being to do that. It is overlooked by many, no doubt, but do you know that “saying thank you” makes your partner feel good? It makes your relationship better and makes you one of the best to your partner, because, he/she feels you acknowledge every of their effort.
Simply say sorry
Tender apology whenever you feel you are wrong, don’t ever wait for them to demand for it. Say it and make it genuine with sober reflection, because placing your ego over your relationship makes you sink, but placing your relationship over your ego gives you flight in all sphere of life.
The word sorry, when said in an appropriate manner lubricates a fractioned mind and flows directly to smoothening every rough edges in your relationship.
Always bring good memories alive
 There are good times spent in the past, no doubt, so do not hesitate to bring them to the present, making your partner  know  you enjoyed those moments with them. Never you assume, assumption kills because it  limits communication.
Be flexible
Working with the other party requires a substantial amount of flexibility; learn to bend your principles to save that relationship because if it is worth having ;you have to tolerate some acts which you might not tolerate ordinarily and this gives you more room of enjoying varieties which spice up the life. Flexibility also connotes tolerance.
If any relationship must grow, there must be  an act of frequent giving; giving does not necessarily mean letting go of something magnificent, you can give your smile: which is capable of healing others’ internal wound, you can give your time: which is capable of alleviating others’ burden. Simple gifts and appreciation can also go a long way especially on days marked as special by them.
Never compare
Especially to men, comparing them to others is more like killing them, it is also equivalent to making them feel like zero: whenever you make your partner feel this way, be assured of losing them either partially or fully.

Bamijoko, wrote from Abuja