Scale up funding for nutrition, experts urge Jigawa government

Experts in nutritional matters have stressed the need for Jigawa State government to scale up funding for nutritional activities in the state with a view to enhancing the development of the sub-sector. At a meeting held in Dutse, which was attended by key government officials, the media, civil organisations, the participants also called on the […]

Scale up funding for nutrition, experts urge Jigawa government

Experts in nutritional matters have stressed the need for Jigawa State government to scale up funding for nutritional activities in the state with a view to enhancing the development of the sub-sector.

At a meeting held in Dutse, which was attended by key government officials, the media, civil organisations, the participants also called on the legislative arm of government to provide the necessary backup to the government in its bid to accelerating the pace of developing the state.

Organised by the Buhari Foundation in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, the Federal Ministry of Health and other development partners, such as the NHED, CISLAC, the workshop deliberated on strategies for optimising current nutrition financing in the state and recommended robust funding plans that would provide viable financing framework.

A communiqué released and made available to Daily Trust at the end of the meeting stressed that accelerated effort was needed on the approval, timely release and efficient utilisation of funds for the implementation of nutrition activities in the state to ensure accountability.

In addition, it was observed that government should continue to work with relevant agencies to conduct nutrition education and sensitisation activities, particularly at the grassroots level.

Besides, it was agreed that nutrition issues should be addressed holistically by relevant sectors, and should not be treated as a stand-alone.

In addition, government should take ownership for nutrition activities in the state.

However, government agency (i.e. ministry of budget and economic planning) responsible for taking the lead at the state should ensure adequate coordination through the steering committee for food and nutrition.

“Government at all levels should promote standard nutrition practices such as exclusive breastfeeding and increase awareness and sensitisation on standard health practices,’’ it stated.