Scientist inch closer to cure for endometriosis

A recent study has shown that scientists have edged one step closer towards a cure for endometriosis thus raising hope for millions of sufferers. Endometriosis does not have a cure and can only be managed. The group of researchers led by Dr Kaoru Miyazaki, reprogrammed stem cells from skin and blood to become healthy womb […]

Scientist inch closer to cure for endometriosis


A recent study has shown that scientists have edged one step closer towards a cure for endometriosis thus raising hope for millions of sufferers.

Endometriosis does not have a cure and can only be managed.

The group of researchers led by Dr Kaoru Miyazaki, reprogrammed stem cells from skin and blood to become healthy womb tissue.

This is also the first study to show that stem cells can become uterus lining. Although  stem cells have previously been turned into tissue found in the heart, liver and pancreas.

Senior author , Dr Serdar Bulun, from Northwestern University, United States of America said the breakthrough was huge and that researchers have been able to open the door to treating endometriosis.

The study was published in the journal Stem Cell Reports.

Endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus –the endometrium- grows outside the uterus causing pelvic pain, especially associated with menstruation.

It occurs when the tissue that lines the uterus is found elsewhere in the body, such as the pelvis, fallopian tubes and even the eyes.  When these cells break down during a woman’s period, they cause internal bleeding, which can cause agonising discomfort and infertility.

The cells that have traveled elsewhere in the body react in the same way as the cells of the womb lining that break down during a woman’s period.

This internal bleeding has no way of escaping, leading to inflammation, pain and the formation of scar tissue.

According to Dr. Abayomi Ajayi, a fertility expert, and managing director, Nordica Fertility Centre, 1 in 10 Nigerian women suffer from endometriosis.

He said endometrosis, that was not previously common in the country has become so common that  one in 10 Nigerian women suffer from it.

“Endometriosis is a common gynecological disorder in females, it’s unfamiliar and often misdiagnosed. Endometriosis develops when endometrial-like cells similar to those lining the inside of the uterus (endometrium) begin growing in other areas or organs of the body.

“This condition causes chronic and disabling pelvic pain anytime during the cycle but is usually worse during menses, also bringing about subfertility/infertility, amongst other symptoms. This occurs in women within the age group of 15 years to 44 years and it is assumed worldwide that 1:10 women are affected with this disorder ranging from mild to severe,”  said Dr Ajayi.

The researchers took ‘master’ stem cells from the skin and bone marrow of women with endometriosis. These cells can be engineered to produce any cell or tissue the body needs to repair itself.

The scientists reprogrammed the stem cells using hormonal treatments to become healthy endometrial cells in the lab after just two weeks.

They said there was no risk  of the cells being rejected because they were taken from the patients themselves.

The next step is to see if diseased endometrial cells can be reprogrammed to become healthy outside of the lab.

The researchers also found that the  reprogrammed cells responded well to progesterone.  Although endometriosis’ exact cause is unclear, it has been linked to cells in the uterus lining failing to properly respond to the hormone progesterone.

Progesterone thickens the lining of the womb in preparation for the implantation of a fertilised egg. When progesterone levels fall, a woman has her period, with endometriosis sufferers also bleeding internally.

In the short term, endometriosis has been linked to painful periods and discomfort during sex. Over the long term, it can cause infertility due to defective cells not properly responding to an embryo.

And, in rare cases, it can even lead to endometrial and ovarian cancer.

Treatment options are limited and include surgery, hormone therapies and pain management. But none have long-term evidence of success.

Uterus transplants have been tried but run the risk of patients rejecting them.

The researchers believe this could be solved by ‘rebuilding’ the womb from a patient’s own cells.

Dr Bulun, who has been studying endometriosis for 25 years, said researchers hope that one day they would be able to make a whole uterus using this cell-based treatment employing the patient’s own cells.

Dr Ajayi  said while every case of painful period  does not always mean  endometriosis, he was advising women and young girls to see a gynaceologist  when ever their  menstrual pain was incapacitating, adding that they should not be ashamed to describe exactly what the problem was.

“When your menstrual period is very painful, until you know why it is so, don’t rest,” he said.

He said it was necessary for women to be aware of this disease as delay in diagnosis and treatment contributes to years of suffering and potential infertility if left untreated.