Senators, Magu and the integrity test

It is now clearly obvious that the recent showdown transpired between Senators and the acting chairman of EFCC, Ibrahim Magu over the alleged lacking integrity test which prompted the upper chamber to disqualified him to be the substantive chairman of the anti-graft commission, This development has clearly shown to Nigerians that most of the Senators […]

Senators, Magu and the integrity test

It is now clearly obvious that the recent showdown transpired between Senators and the acting chairman of EFCC, Ibrahim Magu over the alleged lacking integrity test which prompted the upper chamber to disqualified him to be the substantive chairman of the anti-graft commission, This development has clearly shown to Nigerians that most of the Senators are bunch of charlatans, who are apprehensive with uncertainty of what might be the eventual outcome if Magu is confirm to substantive status from his  present post of acting capacity.

This fiasco has not came to Nigerians with surprise, because people are fully knowing that most of the lawmakers are people whose minds laden with various personal interests of disguising under the pretext of discharging their core mandate of serving the people.

Therefore, most of the senators and their counterpart from the House of Representative are front-benchers, either supporting or beneficiaries of the corruption deluge presently engulfing nooks and crannies of administrative sectors in this country – Nigeria.

It is quite disheartening to note that the non-confirmation of Magu for the second time by the Senate was a big blow to Democracy, Nigerians and by extension a big blow to President Buhari who is in dire need to receive a helping hand from the legislative arms of government in order to rescue Nigeria from the gruesome fangs of corruption.

Well, it is now left for the well-meaning Nigerians to embark on massive prayers and supplication vigorously seeking for Allah’s intervention to help President Buhari to overwhelm the current spate of corruption stalling the progress of Nigeria.

By God grace, the Senators and their cohorts who have longstanding expertise in exhibiting lip-servicing to deceive Nigerians, they should be aware that the dawn of new reality is about to unfold in Nigeria, whereby corruption and its sponsors will be put to shame for lacking integrity to lead Nigeria and its citizenry to the safe haven.

And also, Magu should forge ahead even in his acting capacity to resuscitated his fatherland from the hibernation caused by the indiscriminate dose of corruption and bribery, and should not let this unfortunate development to dampen his spirit towards  continuing fighting corruption and all its ramifications.

Adamu Aminu, Fagge, Kano.