Separating facts from fiction in Bauchi

Ahmed Mahmoud Konkiyel Even hard critics opine that Bauchi State is fast changing better than when it was inherited by the present administration. The state is undergoing several processes of reform in the style of governance, ethical re-orientation and above all, a deep seated commitment to a realistic social and infrastructural transformation aimed at turning […]

Separating facts from fiction in Bauchi
Separating facts from fiction in Bauchi

Ahmed Mahmoud Konkiyel

Even hard critics opine that Bauchi State is fast changing better than when it was inherited by the present administration. The state is undergoing several processes of reform in the style of governance, ethical re-orientation and above all, a deep seated commitment to a realistic social and infrastructural transformation aimed at turning the state into an Eldorado of peaceful co-existence within a conducive environment for investment and economic progress. Did I hear you say Bauchi is getting a face lift? You may not be far from being right. Indeed Bauchi is in for more than a face lift. It is in the process of concrete and fundamental changes since M.A Abubakar came to the scene as the state’s chief executive.

What stands Governor Abubakar out among others is his zero-tolerance for god-fatherism, parasitism and political power brokerage. Under past administrations, self-appointed power brokers and other parasites fed fat on the lean resources of the state in their endless search for appeasement for valueless contribution to the progress and development of the state. Those power brokers turned the seat of power and its occupants to be their ATM machines for manipulation at will to cough out cash thereby becoming stupendously rich at the expense of the masses that survived on penury and crumbs that fell from the dining tables of those parasites. Since M.A Abubakar came to the scene, the theft and diversion were stopped and it was no more been business as usual as the governor refused to play into the hands of the self-styled power brokers. This perhaps explains why the traditional power brokers are at daggers drawn with the governor which is the remote cause of mudslinging against him. Thus the airwaves in Bauchi is more often than not, characterized by a cacophony of negative and vicious publicity aimed at giving “a dog a bad name in order to hang it”, a re-enactment of the Gobellian propaganda tactics which is premised on the belief that a lie repeated so many times becomes the truth. The challenge for the people of Bauchi is however, to be able to separate facts from fiction in their assessment of the performance of their governor.

His style of governance apart, M.A Abubakar’s score card as it relates to the promotion of peaceful co-existence among the diverse and heterogeneous ethnic and religious groups that constitute the state is also positive. Gone, it seems, is the era when Bauchi was a theatre of war fueled by communal or religious antagonism. There has not been a single incidence of communal or religious unrest in the state since M.A. Abubakar became governor and there may not be any, God willing. That feat may be attributed to his policy of equity in the delivery of dividends of democracy to the diverse communities devoid of marginalization and other sentiments.

What is particularly more interesting is the professional crackdown on crime and criminals threatening security of lives and property. Until recently major highways and the rural areas of the state were at the mercy of armed bandits and robbers who operated freely, sometimes in broad day light. Kidnappers were also having a field day and making millions of naira from ransoms paid by victims mostly in the rural areas. Those brazen acts of criminality are becoming history as M.A. Abubakar has mobilized the state’s security apparatus to flush out and deal ruthlessly with criminals.

An area that M.A Abubakar stole the hearts of the people is his program for the rehabilitation of urban and rural infrastructure. The several road construction projects and rehabilitation completed and going on all over the state is a case in point. Bauchi, the state capital, is wearing a new look as access roads from the major entry points into the city are being dualized, making movement more convenient and easier. The rural areas are no exception in this regard. A case in point is the Misau – Bulkachuwa – Udubo – Gamawa roads which are undergoing rehabilitation and at various stages of completion. This and other road projects have endeared M.A Abubakar to the populace, especially rural dwellers that were forgotten by past administrations.

There is no doubt that Governor Abubakar is transforming Bauchi and all he needs is constructive, not destructive criticisms and support from the people.

Diehard supporters for a progressive Bauchi State under the aegis of PROJECT 2019 that is in the fore-front showcasing recording achievements of M.A Abubakar say, “To see and pretend not to see is an act of betrayal”. We have seen, we are seeing and we are feeling the positive impact of the giant strides. Those in blind opposition that trade in mischief are not left out in enjoying the legacies of Governor Muhammed A. Abubakar.

Konkiyal wrote from Wunti Street, Bauchi