September 11th at 16

For several years, this column has commemorated 9/11 by publishing the works of writers and researchers who have dedicated their lives to proving that the events of September 11th 2001 were an inside job, organised and carried out by the George W Bush Administration. This year I’ve donated the space to an ardent reader of […]

September 11th at 16

For several years, this column has commemorated 9/11 by publishing the works of writers and researchers who have dedicated their lives to proving that the events of September 11th 2001 were an inside job, organised and carried out by the George W Bush Administration. This year I’ve donated the space to an ardent reader of this column, to enable him share his thoughts with us, on this anniversary.

September 11th 2017 was the 16th anniversary of the September 11th 2001 attacks on the United States of America. US authorities would have us believe that they were planned and carried out by Osama Bin Laden and his network of Muslim terrorists, but through alternative versions of the event, we have long since discovered that the ‘terror attacks’ were an inside job. 


They were meant to, among other things, make way for the US to access Middle East oil unhindered; tarnish the image of Islam by presenting it as a violent religion which breeds terrorism, and use the attack as a basis for controlling the world, in general and Muslim countries in particular. 


Going by the rampant nature of terrorism that we witness today, all over the world, you are right if you say that the attack was also meant to serve as a tool with which America would, as it now does, renew her imperialism in other parts of the world. This can be seen in the way it, immediately after the attack, quickly gave itself the mandate of leading in the so-called ‘war on terror’. Therefore, the purpose of the 9/11 incident was multifaceted.

The leading instance, amongst many others, that shows that September 11 attack was an inside job with many premeditated goals was America’s baseless invasion of Iraq in 2003, even though they claimed that they invaded the country in order to rid the world of Saddam Hussain’s weapons of mass destruction. 

But even before the invasion, at the time the US first expressed her intention to invade Iraq, many discerning minds had warned that what America was really after was Iraq’s oil. This prediction has come to pass because they toppled Saddam’s government and destroyed Iraq, still they are yet to show us the weapons of mass destruction they found there. 

It was the same in Afghanistan where, using the September 11th attack as an excuse, America dethroned the Taliban Government and enthroned a puppet regime under an American ally in December 2001.

Today, almost every country uses the concept of terrorism to blacklist and intimidate those that it sees as its enemies. For example, part of the reason why the world has refused to stop Myanmar government from killing Rohingya Muslims is because the government has deceived the world into believing that the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) are terrorists. The truth is that ARSA is a group of Rohingya Muslims who are out to only defend themselves against their being persecuted by Myanmar government having seen that nobody, in the whole world, cares to save them from their atrocities. 

Still, courtesy of the September 11th attacks, the West or the so-called developed world uses the concept of terrorism to further exploit the natural resources that are obtainable in the developing countries. Nigeria is a typical example where it has been established that France is an accomplice in the Boko Haram saga. In his article of 8th August 2017 which he titled “Is Oil The True Ideology Of Boko Haram?” in Daily Trust, Richard Murphy indicted France in the Boko Haram menace. Also, Karen Goulding, a researcher with the London-based Global Amnesty Watch, wrote an article with the title “Terrorism In Nigeria: The Qatar Example” in which she, again, though implicitly, indicted France alongside our Francophone neighbouring like Chad, Cameroun and Niger. In the Daily Trust of 31st July 2017, she wrote: “But the veiled forces, suspected to be politicians, some of whom have links with neighbouring countries, which economically reap bountifully from festering insurgency, have refused to stop their devilish acts of financing terrorists…And while the dreaded Boko Haram sect has been defeated, the prospect that terrorism will finally be smothered in Nigeria is bleak on account of its funding by both internal and external forces.”. 

And everybody knows how subservient Francophone countries are to their mother, France, a country that brainwashed them beyond repair when it colonized them.

Had it been that the West succeeds in all its variety of plots against, not only Islam, but also all other parts of the world, the whole world would have been set inextinguishably ablaze. But God has told us that any time they light a fire that is big enough to engulf the whole world He puts it off, just like He has drastically reduced the current Boko Haram II that was ignited in 2010 under Goodluck Jonathan . We all know that Boko Haram 1 was put off in 2009 under late Umaru Yar’adua. So there was a gap of one year, for those that can remember, between the two varieties of Boko Haram because after the peaceful elapsing of the year, we were deceptively told that Boko Haram members were regrouping to avenge the questionable, extra-judicial killing of their leader, Muhammad Yusuf. The two Boko Harams were entirely different even in their sophistication.

While referring to His putting off of the fire that they always ignite Almighty God said, in the holy Qur’an, “…As often as they ignite the fires of war they are extinguished by God. Yet they rush around to spread corruption in the land; but God does not love those who are corrupt.” Q (5:64).

So the almost worldwide violence that you witness today is not in the magnitude that the Western World wants to achieve only because of God’s intervention.

While I’m urging us to wake up from our deep sleep and recognise the real forces of terror, in our world, I also pray to God to continue extinguishing the fire anytime they put it on. Ameen.


Mustapha Ja’afar Umar wrote from Telex, T/Jukun Zaria.