Seven creative ways to engage schoolchildren during long holiday

The long holiday is here again with its mixed bag of worry and excitement. The children are elated to take a break from the daily routine of going to school early and spending hours in the confines of classrooms, with little play time left for them after doing assignments on various school subjects at home. […]

Seven creative ways to engage schoolchildren during long holiday

The long holiday is here again with its mixed bag of worry and excitement. The children are elated to take a break from the daily routine of going to school early and spending hours in the confines of classrooms, with little play time left for them after doing assignments on various school subjects at home.

The six-week break is getting underway and most pupils are eager to take charge and have fun to the fullest. For parents, it is a different feeling entirely. It’s time to settle arguments, one minor quarrel after another, cope with children’s intense inquisitiveness and restrategise plans to get them safe and comfortable while you are at work.

It is normal to allow kids play and enjoy themselves to get refreshed ahead of the resumption. But the holiday can be much more maximised by engaging them in one creative skill or another to broaden their knowledge and prepare them intellectually for a fresh academic session.

Daily Trust highlights some seven interesting skills children can learn while the break lasts.

Leadership Skill

Good leadership is an art and virtue acquired at every stage in life. It is not a bad idea to get children to learn leadership skills at tender age and equip them with what it takes to be a good leader. While they might have been exposed to the importance of taking leadership roles at school, enrolling them in a leadership academy will further enhance their capacity and help them see it as a vital skill required to change society for the better.

Communication Skill

Like leadership, effective communication is at the heart of forging societal good. Getting children to learn how to best relate with others is a crucial skill they will need as they journey through life. During the holiday, you can help your child learn how to communicate better with family and friends and build lasting relationships. Effective communication engenders peaceful coexistence. This will also help them build confidence in public speaking as it will create an avenue for them to express themselves in a more organised manner.

Problem Solving

Children can be engaged in puzzles, brain teasers, and strategic board games that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These will sharpen their analytical abilities and encourage them to think outside the box.

Coding and Programming

Children can be exposed to the world of technology by enrolling them in coding classes online or offline. In fact, learning programming languages can enhance their problem-solving and logical thinking skills. This will also prepare them for a career in the digital world which arguably offers the most lucrative line of professions at the moment.


Involving the kids in holiday meal preparations is a practical way of allowing them to learn essential cooking skills. Over time, it will not only enable them to prepare delicious dishes on their own, but also give them a head start if they want to venture into hospitality industry much later.

Creative Writing

The long holiday also presents an ample ground to encourage children to explore their imagination through creative writing. It is good to provide them with themes and encourage them to write short stories, poems, or even plays.

Arts and Crafts

Engaging your kids in various arts and crafts activities such as painting, sculpting, or creating holiday decorations is no bad move. This can enhance their creativity and self-expression.