Seven virtuous men

On the Day of Judgment, the sun which at present is at the heart of the solar system shall be placed in the nearest distance to man. The current distance from the earth to the sun which is put at 149,597,870.7 million kilometers will be reduced to its shortest proximity. The heat to be experienced […]

Seven virtuous men
Seven virtuous men

On the Day of Judgment, the sun which at present is at the heart of the solar system shall be placed in the nearest distance to man. The current distance from the earth to the sun which is put at 149,597,870.7 million kilometers will be reduced to its shortest proximity. The heat to be experienced on this Day is just better imagined.
Abu Hurairah (RA) reports from the Prophet (SAW) who said: “Seven men will be under a shade on a day when there will be no shade except Allah’s. They are: a just  leader; a youth who grew up as devoted Muslim; a man whose mind is (always) attached to the mosque; two men whose friendship is sincerely for the sake of Allah; a man who (out of piety) turned down an invitation extended by a beautiful and highly placed woman; a man who concealed the alms he gave out (in charity) without allowing even his left hand to know when his right hand gave it out; and a man whose meditation caused tears to roll down his cheeks”. Each of these seven virtuous men will separately be discussed further in subsequent paragraphs.
First, a just leader: Allah (SWT) in Qur’an 16:90 commands the doing of justice. Allah (SWT) enjoins us to be fair because he loves those who are fair and just. Allah (SWT) instructs in Qur’an 4:135 to stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah even if it were against us, or our parents, or our kith and kin, and whether it is (against) the rich or the poor because Allah can best protect both. Today, greed and self-centeredness have made very many leaders misplace their sense of fairness in handling matters of common interest; favouring and putting their wives and children above others. Leaders must be just without fear or favour. Where justice is by any means hijacked, peace would cease to reign.  Justice, therefore, is a basic requirement for peace in the home and in the society.
Second, a devout youth: Allah (SWT) states in Qur’an 51:56 that: “I have only created jinn and men that may serve me.” Unfortunately, youthfulness is the most gullible stage of life during which the Shaytan makes every evil to glitter in the eyes of a young man or woman. Except for those guided by Allah, most young people are naturally pre-disposed (given their needs and aspirations) to having little time for worship. To become a devout Muslim is, most often, an arduous challenge for most youths.
Third, a man whose mind is attached to the mosque: This refers to a man whose entire life is dedicated to serving Allah (SWT) in the most sincere manner. Such are the men and women who (as commanded in Qur’an 98:5) are true in faith and honest in devotion. Because of a ghostly taste for materialism, most worshippers in modern times get distracted in prayers; thinking about their wealth in terms of bank loans, debts owed, or risks incurred. While in prayers, such people keep counting their estates, herds of cattle, fleets of commercial vehicles, etc. For such worshippers, their hearts cannot be said to be endeared to the mosque or worship.
Fourth, two friends who come together and differ for the sake of Allah (SWT): In a hadith qudsi (Muslim tradition in which Allah Himself speaks as opposed to prophetic sayings), Allah said: “Those who remain friends for my sake (shall) have a pulpit made from (divine) light and would be held in reverence by prophets and martyrs.” A man or a woman, who cannot tell his/her friend the truth, whether sweet or bitter, isn’t a sincere friend. A friend’s frown is certainly better than a fool’s smile. The essence of true friendship is lost if the bond is not for Allah’s sake. Many people today chose friends on the basis of wealth, social status or position, all of which are immaterial in the foundation of genuine friendship.
Fifth, a man who turned down an invitation extended to him by a beautiful young lady but only said, ‘I fear Allah:’For many contemporary men, this would be an opportunity to be seized graciously. Today’s men who see no wrong in looking at women beyond the limits set by Islam have virtually reduced the definition of zinah (adultery or fornication) to exclusively mean promiscuity between a man and a woman; ignoring other adjoining criminal acts. Imams Bukhari and Muslim both relate on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that man is prone to committing zinah with his eyes through unguarded gaze at women; with the ears through unwarranted eavesdropping in order to derive pleasure from such; with the tongue through vulgar speeches; with the hands by touching women who are not a person’s DhuMahram; with the legs by walking to unlawful places, including brothels; and with the heart by harbouring burning lust for women who are not one’sDhuMahram.
Sixth, a man who gave out alms and concealed it from even his left hand: This is almost missing in the character of contemporary Muslims,especially leaders who cherish naming projects (particularly those executed by public funds) after themselves instead of allowing others to honourably do so. Such hypocrisy is done to seek undue popularity or in anticipation of a reciprocal gesture. This, no doubt, contradicts the Islamic principle of alms giving. Allah (SWT) states in Qur’an 74:6 says: “Nor expect, in giving, any increase (for thyself).” A giver of alms is not to expect anything from the receiver because such is considered as a service to Allah.
Seventh, a man engrossed in the remembrance of Allah until tears rolled down his cheeks: Allah (SWT) encourages believers in Qur’an 3:191 and states that: “Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and (when) lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creations in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): ‘Our Lord! Not for naught hast Thou created (all) this…” To achieve this, a believer must strive to resist the temptations of distractive elements (including wealth, power, women, etc) that could divert his attention from constant the remembrance of Allah and His attributes. May Allah (SWT) guide us to be among those to be shielded with shade from the extraordinarily scorching sun of the Day of Judgment. Amin.