Shaping the political landscape

The electioneering year has unequivocally set in with lots of factors that beg for attention. The party primaries are over and winners are celebrated but the tax to govern a complex country like Nigeria is without a doubt a difficult one. Nigeria today is facing its most difficult era since independence ranging from insecurity, banditry, […]

Shaping the political landscape

The electioneering year has unequivocally set in with lots of factors that beg for attention. The party primaries are over and winners are celebrated but the tax to govern a complex country like Nigeria is without a doubt a difficult one.

Nigeria today is facing its most difficult era since independence ranging from insecurity, banditry, and kidnappings to mention a few.

Poverty is making the rounds amidst corruption; the poor are becoming poorer while the rich getting richer. Celebration of theft and thieves are becoming the accepted norms in every nuke and cranny of the country. Like the saying goes ‘just get the money any how’ and society would and will recognise and respect you.

Locking horns with Nigeria’s current ills and vices requires an experienced fellow who by all standards has mastered the game and can bring solace to the populace. 

The two major political parties brought in septuagenarians as candidates for the general election, both have similar characteristics ranging from politicking, wealth, and clueless accusations of corruption.

A country with a history of Nigeria would focus more on vibrant young men with a high level of intellectuality, not septuagenarians that would eventually turn the presidential villa into a clinic. 

Our future is still in our hands to turn this around before it’s too late. Had I known is always avoidable. Be wise.

Abubakar H. Julde writes from Maiduguri, Borno State